fixing relationships

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i hate time jumps but it has to be done

four weeks later

i've hidden from my problems long enough. five whole weeks to be exact. which doesn't seem too long now that i think about it. i haven't talked to anyone in my world in a while. i just really needed a break. to process my parents divorce and everything that's been going on with my friends.

i get out of my car and i stare at the school. "look who it is." masons voice turns me around. "hey mason." i say actually kind of nervous. "you're back?" he comes up to me with the biggest smile. "yeah i am." we hug. "so how was it?" mason lets go. "therapeutic. i needed to spend time with my dad anyways. did i miss anything?" i ask partly joking. "i'm glad you spent time with your dad. you didn't miss anything other than the fact that i made the varsity soccer team."

i get excited. "congrats dude! that's amazing. now i have to go to your games." i high five him. "don't you go for your brother anyways?" he smiles. "yeah but now i'll actually have someone to support and it won't be boring." i somewhat laugh. "i really missed you bri." he steps closer to me. his tone of voice makes me nervous.

we stare into each others eyes and i wonder if he's going to make a move. i've been waiting and hoping for a while now.

i might be pushing my luck but i take a step closer trying to make it easier for him. i could tell that i make him nervous. "how much?" i flirt. he leans in, i follow and soon we're kissing. it was a nice kiss, i loved every second of it.

he's first to move back. with a huge grin on my face i look at him. "i missed you too mason."

"hey guys." i nervously walk up to our lunch table. as soon as natalie sees me she gets up and gives me a hug. "where have you been?" she asks. "with my dad." i hug her back. "obviously. why were you gone for so long?" she lets go and we both sit down.

i look at riley. "i wanted to give everyone space. i needed space." i smile at her hoping i get one back. "hey bri." riley waves. i wave back. "we missed you bri." nat winks at me. this is not how i thought it would turn out. this is way better.

"yeah we missed you." riley looks at me for a second. "i've missed you guys too."

"we've been self reflecting while you were gone. we realized where we each went wrong. i mean i didn't do anything but anyways," natalie says and i laugh a little. "we want everything to go back to normal. we can't fix what happened but we can choose to move on. if that's what you both want." natalie says looking at both of us.

moving on is the only thing i want to do. "i would do anything to make things be how they used to be." i look at riley. she gets up and walks over to me.

is she going to slap me again?

i get up. she hugs me. the fuck. this must be a trap.

i hug her back. "a part of me really fucking hates your guts but i fucked up too and if you can forgive me, i can forgive you too."

i feel so happy right now. "i love you." i hold her tighter. "nat get in here!" i call her. she quickly joins.

we stay like this for a while.

"can you weirdos stop? everyone's looking at you." my brothers voice makes us split. i glare at him.

"brianna can we talk?" he asks. "no, i'm fine actually." i walk away just to be dragged to a corner. "i don't want to talk to you noah." i cross my arms. "well you're either going to talk to me now or later at home." he says. "what if i don't talk to you at all." i walk away and make sure he doesn't follow me.

as i'm rushing to get away, i run into someone. someone a little too familiar. "long time no see."

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