the test

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✧˖°. sometimes i forget that i'm a whole ass author LMFAOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATe ALSO i literally hate the way i write, i feel like i still type like a 12 year old writing trying to write more adult like but idk how ugh ok bye ✧˖°.

"babe what's wrong?" parker throws a banana on my lunch tray. "what do you mean? nothing's wrong! why would you think that?" i say defensively. "because you're acting like that." he looks at me like i'm crazy. i feel crazy. "sorry. i'm fine, just feeling a little off today." i watch him put a salad on my tray. i slowly look up at him.

"what? you said you were on a diet!" parker defends himself. "whatever. i'm not even hungry." i get angry so i put the food back. i stand there completely out of it. "you? not hungry? i think you might need a doctor." parker feels my forehead. i smile and throw his hand away. "come on bri, how am i supposed to be the supportive and helpful boyfriend if you won't tell me what's going on?" he goes on and on.

"parker i appreciate your need to make me feel better but i'm literally fine." i lie. "you and i both know you're not fine. something is bothering you." i roll my eyes in irritation. "you. you're bothering me!" i say before walking away. i feel bad but he would not leave me alone all day today. "bri!"

i pause in my tracks and i slowly turn to where my name was being called. it's riley and natalie. my mood lightens a little. "hey guys." i say blankly. "so when were you going to tell me that you're pregnant?" riley says and i panic. "please shut the fuck up." i look around the cafeteria to make sure no one heard.

i did not need a rumor about me being pregnant going around, even if it might be true. i grab both of their hands and walk to an isolated area. "well thanks nat." i shake my head not really surprised. "you set me up." she throws her hands up. i roll my eyes already done with the day. i need a nap.

"i'm not pregnant." i tell riley and she looks me up and down. "you are getting a little chubby. maybe it's the baby." she says and i get defensive. why am i so defensive all of a sudden? "i've gained five pounds but that's only because we keep going out to eat after school." i cross my arms. "or it's the baby." riley sings. "i'm going home. don't bother me." i angrily walk away. "it's the hormones, that's why she's so mad."

as i start to get away from everyone, my feelings start to hit me all at once. i start to cry as i walk to the senior parking lot where my car was. i don't know what's wrong with me.

my feelings are all over the place. this uncertainty is killing me. if i was pregnant, parker needed to know. if i'm not then he would still need to know that i had a pregnancy scare. either way it was a lose-lose situation. i started to wonder how parker would react. would he be happy? would he be sad? would he hate me? will he leave me?

i struggle getting my keys to unlock my car and i cry more. my keys drop and i fall with them. i hug myself and i cry. i stay there not caring about someone seeing me. until someone did. "bri what's wrong?" his voice makes me stop immediately. that fucking voice. i pick my keys up, stand up, and wipe my face.

"oh hey mason. what's up?" i try to sound like i wasn't just crying even though my face most likely showed it. "what's wrong? why are you crying?" he asks coming towards me. "when am i not crying?" i actually laugh at myself.

"true but why are you crying at this moment?" the closer he gets, the more he towers over me.

i'm not really sure how but the next thing i know, we're sitting on the top of his car drinking slushies... in our parking lot.

"why are you always there when i'm falling apart?" i ask seriously. "call it an intuition. i just get a feeling that you're going through it and my body just guides me straight to you." he makes me laugh. i go back to silence. "so why were you crying and before you give me a bullshit answer, tell me the truth." he's straightforward. i take a deep breath.

"parker would kill you... and me if he found out i told you before him." i sip my slushie. "told me what?" he asks. another deep breath. mason can keep a secret. "mason i think i'm pregnant." i say and he spits out his blue drink. "what?" i get defensive... again. "you're pregnant?" his eyes are wide and once again i care about what he thinks about me. i wonder what he's thinking.

"i said i think! i don't know but i'm scared." his reaction freaks me out. "well have you taken a test?" he asks and i shake my head. "i barely came to that conclusion two days ago. i'm too scared to take one." i tear up again. mason gets off the car and pauses before walking to my side. he holds out his hand and in my free hand, i grab his. he helps me off the car and hugs me. i'm so glad he does because i really needed a hug.

"let's go to the store and buy one, i'll be right with you so you're not alone when you take it. i'll be there for you no matter what the results are." he says making me cry more. not because of sadness but because mason really is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. i know i can count on him for anything.

"you'd do that for me?"i sniffle. "is that even a question? you know i'd do anything for you," he smiles and i try to smile back.  "now let's go."


i hesitate to walk towards that aisle. my heart is pounding, my palms are sweating, i feel almost sick to my stomach. mason walks a little faster than me. "i'm not sure which brand is the best or anything like that but i guess we can read the box, or something." i just nod.

we make it into that aisle. "sorry i've never done this before. wait i was just in this aisle the other day," he says and i look at him. "for tampons. for my mom!" he adds and i look at the tampons and pads right next to the pregnancy tests. my eyes go back to the tests and i scan each one.

each serves the same purpose but some are more fancier than the others. i close my eyes, grab one, open them and quickly make my way out of that aisle. mason follows. i walk to self-checkout and i scan the box as fast as i could. "here i got it." mason pulls out his card and i let him. my heart beats faster. i feel like i'm going to faint.

mason buys the test and he holds my hand as we walk to the bathroom. "i can't really go in there with you." he says and hands me the box. i nod slowly and grab the box. "thanks mason." i say before walking inside of the bathroom. "i'll be right outside." i hear his voice before the door shuts.

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