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It was no surprise to Hogwarts when Avalon and James started to date.

They were both hanging out with each other so often that it was peculiar for them to not date.

"I love you so much, Jamie, although a part of me misses Regulus," Avalon admitted shyly.

"It's fine, Val, I understand, first love is very hard to get over. It was like that with Lily," James said understandly.

(A/N: Now I'm just straight up stuck. Like Avalon and Regulus looks so good together but Avalon and James looks so good together as well...*facepalms* help me! Should I make this fanfiction about Regulus vs James?? Nope. Need to be stuck with my goal.)

"I just feel guilty, I feel like I'm playing with your feelings," Avalon cried as she buried her face in her hands.

"No matter what happens in the end, I will never regret any moment with you," James smiled as they interlocked their hands together and walked to the Great Hall.

There was one person out of Hogwarts who didn't support James and Avalon's relationship.

You got it, it was Regulus.

He was scowling and glaring daggers at James and Avalon when they were walking down the hall. He was so grumpy that even his friends complained to her.

Regulus was so mad that he even tried to jinx James, but instead of hitting James, Avalon jumped in front of him instead, causing her to fall to the ground, withering in pain.

"AVALON!" James cried worriedly as he and his friends carried her quickly to the Hospital Wing.

It wasn't until a few hours later when Avalon was healed.

"Trouble sure does love coming to you, right, Miss Raynott?" Madam Pomfrey said as she shook her head.

"It sure does, but I'll do it over and over again to protect my loved ones," Avalon said determinedly as she leaned over to peck James on the lips.

"Eww, not in front of Wormy's eyes!" Sirius squealed disapprovingly as he and Remus hastily covered Peter's eyes.

"Stop it, guys, I'm not a baby!" Peter whined as he swatted their hands away.

"We know, but you literally act like one," The other three marauders said in unison as Peter groaned.

⋆ ★ ⋆

"What the fuck are you doing with Potter, Ava?" Regulus sneered as he approached her one day.

"It's none of business, Black," Avalon sneered back as she added, "I wasn't the one kissing Nott that day, was I?"

Regulus clenched his fist as he spat, "At least Cassandra treats me a thousand times better than you did!"

Avalon froze before Regulus clamped a hand over his mouth in horror, realizing what he had just said.

"J-just, just get away from me," Avalon said, tears stinging her eyes as she stormed off.

Elias came from behind Regulus, "You really did have to fuck up, did you?" he sighed.

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