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OWLs was not that bad, Avalon thought as she bustled throughout the classrooms, and tackled one exam after the other like it was nothing, the only bad thing is running around frantically.

Luckily, James and his friends made sure that all of her stressful OWL days were full of joy and mischief as she watched as they bustled through classrooms wearing black cat costumes, throwing stink pellets and Dungbombs at nearby teachers and students.

"POTTER! BLACK! LUPIN! PETTIGREW!" Professor Mcgonagall screamed as she furiously stormed up to them, her robes full of soot.

"Oh hello Minnie!" James said cheerfully as Sirius flashed her a cheeky grin.

"What in the name of Merlin are you causing trouble during OWL week?" Professor Mcgonagall demanded.

"Come on, Minnie, these fifth years need some excitement!" Sirius said as Remus and Peter nodded.

"Lupin, I had always thought making you a prefect would stop these three," Professor Mcgonagall muttered as she shouted, "You four, have detention for a week with me and forty points from Gryffindor!"

"Great, Minnie! Make sure you have my favorite biscuits awaiting for me for the whole week!" James said childishly before the four ran out of the hallway, with Avalon and the other students burst out of laughter.

⋆ ★ ⋆

"Oh my god guys, that was epic!" Avalon exclaimed when the boys let her into the Gryffindor Common Room, them all sitting on the comfy red couches.

"That was just one of our normal pranks, love," James smiled as he pecked Avalon on the lips.

"Eww! No PDA in here!" Peter mock-squirmed in disgust.

"Stop being dramatic, Wormy, you are literally becoming Padfoot over here," James pointed out.

"Heey! I'm not dramatic!" Sirius whined.

"You are, Padfoot, just deal with it," the other three marauders replied as Sirius groaned.

"Anyways, how did you NEWTs go, Ava?" Remus asked kindly as Avalon replied, "They were quite easy, it was the running around that made me tired."

"I agree, like it took up 80% of my energy last year," Peter added, "but OWLs aren't THAT bad, it's just you feel nervous and then you can't remember."

"Right you are, Wormy," Sirius said.

⋆ ★ ⋆

"Reggie?" Elias asked when he saw the boy in their dormitory, crying with his hands on his face.

"E-e-li?" Regulus croaked as Elias sat down next to him and handed a tissue for him, which he accepted thankfully.

"What's in your mind right now?" Elias asked gently. 

Both of them know that it was going to be about Avalon.

"It's just, I love Ava so much, and I can't believe I let that Nott give me a Love Potion and didn't realize it!" Regulus spat as he looked down at the floor gloomily.

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