𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Harry! Get your arse up, today you're going to Hogwarts!" A seven-year old Cassiopeia sang as she splashed a bucket of cold water onto her brother's face before running out of the room, giggling.

"CASSIOPEIA!" Harry screamed as he shook his wet hair away from his face before he sprang out of bed, chasing Cassiopeia but then bumped into Lyra, who had many books in her arms, resulting a big 'Crash! '

"Harry! Cassie! Lyra! Get down here before your mother gets mad!" Regulus yelled as the three looked at each other, wide-eyed, before sprinting down the stairs.

Avalon looked at her children in amusement before setting out a breakfast plate for each of them.

⋆ ★ ⋆

"You ready, Harry?" Avalon asked kindly to her son.

Harry looked at his mother before saying, "Yes mum,"

"Come on, through the barrier then! Love, you go with Cassie and Lyra. I'll go with Harry," Avalon said as Regulus nodded before pushing the trolley with Cassie and Lyra and disappearing.

"Let's go," Avalon said as she and Harry pushed the trolley with a trunk and Hedwig on it through the barrier.

"We're here at Platform 9 and 3/4!" Regulus said as he saw his wife and Harry, "come on Harry, it's almost time to get on the train."

"I'll miss you mum," Harry said as he hugged his mother goodbye.

He turned to Regulus and hugged him also before saying, "I'll miss you two Uncle Reg,"

"What about us?" Cassiopeia pouted as Harry laughed, "I'll miss you two rascals as well," before hugging his two sisters goodbye.

"Have fun, Harry," Avalon sniffed before wiping her eyes with a tissue.

"Don't cry, mum, I'll send you letters every week!" Harry said cheerfully before hugging his mother goodbye and getting on the train with a one last wave to his family.

"Our kids do grow up so fast," Avalon croaked as Regulus put his arm around her.

⋆ ★ ⋆

4 years later...

"OH MY GOD, WAKE UP LYRA, IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR US TO GO TO HOGWARTS!" Cassiopeia yelled as Lyra rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"What?" She murmured as Cassiopeia dragged her twin literally off her bed and ran down the stairs.

"OUCH, CASSIE, MY POOR TOES!" Lyra bellowed as she clutched her big toe in pain.

"Whoops, sorry," Cassiopeia said hastily before running away from an angry Lyra chasing after her.

"Now girls, we don't do that," Regulus said in amusement as he saw the two run around the kitchen table.

"Come on, Cassie, I'll tell this to the boy," Harry teased as Cassiopeia stopped abruptly before saying, "One word and you're dead, Harold."

Harry raised his hands in surrender as Regulus demanded, "What boy?"

"None of your beeswax, dad," Cassiopeia said, forgetting that Lyra was chasing her as the two crashed onto the floor.

"You guys sure are having a great first time, huh?" Avalon came in, floating all of the breakfast plates to the table.

"FOOD!" The three children yelled as they started to stuff their faces with Avalon's famous blueberry pancakes.

⋆ ★ ⋆

"It's finally our turn," Lyra smiled in awe at the scarlet train on Platform 9 & 3/4.

"I know, I can't believe it!" Cassiopeia squealed as they hugged their parents one last time.

"Bye mum, bye dad/Uncle Reg!" The three chorused as they went on the train.

"You two be fine, okay? I'm going to hang out with Draco," Harry said as he left the two girls alone in the corridor.

"Let's find a compartment!" Lyra smiled as they entered an empty compartment.

Not long after, the door slid open and two boys came in.

It was Rigel and another boy.

Cassiopeia stood up as she and Rigel went out of the compartment. She and Rigel were practically the power cousins, always sticking with each other.

And Lyra was left with the 'boy'.

"Hey, what's your name?" The boy asked kindly.

"My name's Lyra Black," Lyra smiled.

"Name's Ethan Rosier," Ethan smiled back, looking mesmerizingly at the girl.

⋆ ★ ⋆



Harry - Slytherin

Cassiopeia - Gryffindor

Lyra - Ravenclaw

Rigel - Gryffindor


Edited: Probably no additional scenes, but maybe sequel? 

Edited 11/21: I've started a new book!! It's called Mesmerized || Tom Riddle x oc.

Go check it out if you want :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book!


Author ❤

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