chapter 1

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Hey. I feel tingles as I introduce my story to you. It's one of my earlier stories thus the brief chapters and my way of putting words. I tried to keep this as original as in my old manuscript and truly hope deep within me that you'd enjoy. It was written in 2010. Thus the seemingly oldish news. Thank you.
All rights reserved.


If you viewed your life as a story being read or movie in a cinema hall for all to see, maybe your life would be different.

Mya tossed and turned in bed,raised one eye brow to realise that it was 7:30 am. On impulse,she jumped out of the bed and run to the bathroom. She had afew minutes to clean up if she was to be able to make it to the school assembly in time.
Emerald highschool was a strong christian founded school with a high reputation for admitting only the best students in the country.
It was a single girls school that was built in the victorian style where by the central building was a like a castle and contained both the assembly and dining halls.
Far off to the right lay a deserted road that led to the girls' hostels which were four and named after some of the historical ladies.
In Nightingale, Mya rushed to clean up and run out of the hostel looking so disorganised,just like all late comers do.
She rushed off to the assembly hall where she was in time to start assembly with the rest of the school.
The assembly always started as the girls sung hymns for prayers before the speeches.
"When Peace like a river attendeth..
My way..and sorrows like sea billows roll..whatever my lord has....
It is well it is well with my soul..."
The speech from the principal always sounded the same each assembly only that a few different words per day would spice it up.
Maybe an announcement of a new project, visitors coming to the school, tournaments to participate in, visitation days, and a whole lot of other things.
Then came the chaplains daily sermons and it would be the same over and over again about respect, obedience, just the difference in the bible verse she chose to quote.
Then there would be time for reading out the wrong doers and the punishment they would be given after all the speeches and this used to be the peak of the whole assembly. Whether you would survive or not. The whole hall would be quiet with anticipation.
The bell rang and signalled the end of assembly. Mya's friend Asti poked her to wake her up from her slight dosing. "Time to go to class!" She told her calmly.
Mya for a moment wished school was only in afternoons. She didn't voice her wish but rose slowly to follow the rest of the crowd out of the assembly hall.

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