chapter 2

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Mya hated biology. It was taught by Mrs Byamrai. It was the first on the time table.
She actually loved biology but hated the teacher. Mrs Byamrai was hated by most of the students because she was strict..the students had nicknamed her "Baby".

"Amy?" Mya called to her locker mate..
" coming " All the girls run to their lockers and pretended to be busy reading.
Mrs Byamrai entered with her eyes roaming to see and catch any one looking unusual.

Some of the times when she would miss what to blame she would be like "Samantha.. why are your eyes bulging"
you look like a suspect to all the girls had to be looking with innocent eyes

"Today is another day."said Mrs. Byamrai "and as usual," she continued, "we need some one to remind us of what we last read about, and honestly, if you have been serious enough to revise your biology, we will see about that, because I'm going to chose at random."

At that every girls mind was alert and wary.That meant real trouble. Silence followed as Mrs Byamrai walked along the class columns. "Dear God" prayed Mya, let it not be me, or I'll be screwed."

Rebecca was chosen and wasn't too off though it wasn't to Mrs Byamrai's satisfaction. The lesson dragged on as Mrs Byamrai 'ranted ' so Mya thought about reproduction in plants and from the way she saw it, everything was created mysterious.

Time table used to run smoothly with two lessons each taking a forty minutes period and break time at 10:15 to 11:00am. Here prefects would go for an exclusive break tea catered for by school while the other girls went to the school cafeteria and canteens.

Mya spent most of her break time in gossip which the head mistress used to term as unreproductive and irrelevant. Who is selling which kind of music.,what is new in the Chris Brown -Rihanna relationship., best musicians.,who has joined young money.,gossip around school, scandals, and anything else that was entertaining enough.

So she stayed over with Grace Buggins who used to sit on the wall front seat next to Chance. It was a click of six girls in the same column from Mya and Amy, to Grace and Chance,then Asti and Freeta.

"Aren't u going for break Grace?"Mya called out.
"No,can't go to the halls now"replied Grace.
"Asti, bring me some yourghurt and crisps."Mya gave Asti money for the stuff and stayed with Grace as the other four went to the cafeteria.

Grace started "Mya,I'm so surprised that u haven't finished lord of the rings yet?? I have watched up to part 6. I can't wait for this year to end. Imagine. this is just first term.when are the Freshers coming??"

Mya was as bored."come on Grace,I didnt get the other two last parts but I believe you will buzz me.Freshers are coming next week..Oh by the way, there is this new babe in our class. Fat and always in a pink sleeveless jumper.what's her name?? "

"Oh,that's Rachel Kaytson but I hear she prefers Rachel Kay.she's proud. she transferred from Eddington high,and is always bragging.! Eddington this.,Eddington that.!"Grace informed her.

Mya asked,"has she been teased??"
"Girls kinda fear her." Grace replied.
Mya felt intrigued.  " watch out, this prep,I must put an end to the bragging. moreover she's fat and all.
"Jeez, I hear the dad is a private detective, you better steer clear." Grace cautioned.

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