Chapter 13

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Some times,.... Just sometimes,.. No reaction is good enough.

Mya couldn't help it. She just looked on. Racheal went on explaining how she never said anything. How her dad had made up the story. How she was sorry. How she couldn't do that to her. What could she do to her to pay for what she had gone through. Nothing.
"Iam okay"she lied. "I just need some time alone"
"Are you sure?Im forgiven then? Thank you"
And all the time Mya is wondering"are you always this duft. How can i be fine? "
"Yeah. "Mya replied. "Just have to head off to the chaplaincy"
The chaplaincy was built a distance further from the main school buildings. There was the major chapel building where the students usually went for Sunday services and a small footpath led to the chaplain's home.
He was staying with his wife who rumour had it had miscarried her only chance of ever having a baby.
They were a middle aged couple with no children and had been serving at the school chapel for two decades.
Mya walked up to the chaplain's home and knocked.
The door was opened by one of the choir leaders in the chapel.
She smiled and whispered, you must be Amyaline. Please come in.
Mya followed her in only to find them in the middle of a praying session.
She stands in the circle and tries to hum along. They were singing a worship song. Lord prepare me to be your living sanctuary, you are tried and true, with thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for you..
"Sing lord prepare me" lord prepare me..
All the time every one's eyes are closed and they are in spirit.. Mya feels so uncomfortable around them so, she kept her eyes open. And that's when everything happened.
Later when asked., Mya even found it hard to explain the incident to her friends but this is how she simply put it.
I was just standing there waiting to talk with the chaplain and we make out a work plan for our meetings. All the time, every one is praying while being encouraged by the chaplain's wife Dorothy. "I say lift up your voice and talk to God." "Devil you have no way in this place."
Then all of a sudden its kind of cold around them and this girl falls on the floor and starts mourning. Every body else ignores her and keeps praying out aloud. Mya kept looking on. That's when Mya realises something is wrong. This girl is creeping towards her and she's hissing.. Like a real snake. Mya extends behind but the girl keeps on moving towards her.
Am i hallucinating? God.. Then she gets this thought urging her to pray. Anything.. How should i even pray.. God.. Father, Jesus, get away devil,... She's scared. So scared.
Before the girl could get close to her, the chaplain's wife opens her eyes and hurries to block her from the creepy girl. "I say get out this instant. Devil you are not wanted here, this is God's house and this girl Eve is God's sanctuary."
Its like everyone had been thrown in motion. All of them surrounded the girl Eve and started casting out the so-called devil.
Mya stood watching in astonishment.
This wasn't one of those creepy exorcist movies where we saw demons, it was not even close to that, it was real...
A male voice speaks through Eve.
"I am her grandfather and i want her dead so the mother can know that up to now i don't like the man she married."
You have no right to kill for you are not the giver of life. By the authority given to me through Jesus Christ our lord, i order you out of this young girl's life back to hell where you belong.
They continued praying for the girl as she wiggled on the ground until she calmed down. Later when they sat down for tea, the girl confessed to not remembering anything that happened. Mya was still in shock even as she left the chaplaincy that day.
Ps:this book is not edited. Please bear with me. Im so sorry for the mistakes.

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