Fall from on High

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The next couple of days were the weekend, so I spent most of the time helping my parents around the house, especially mom, but I was not myself because I was still thinking of all that Lance dumped on me plus the blonde. Mom noticed me staring off into space a number of times but I did not let on a bit about what was wrong with me. I did manage to do my weight exercises and study for my spelling test but my heart was not in either of those.

When Monday came I was happy to enter the bus and see the blonde with yet another book she was reading. This time she wore a green tight fitting top under a brownish colored shell, with the silver necklace, but now had white shorts. She was sitting by herself as I walked by so it was easy for me to see her perfect legs. This girl always amazed me. I hoped Lenny figured out who she was.

When the bus arrived at the school I noticed the white mustang, Lance and his crowd were there but I mostly focused on the blonde and watched her get up and leave the bus. I found myself followed her to the door partly mesmerized by the movement of her legs and then broke away from that and went to home room looking for Lenny. I knew I needed to know something soon or I would just go crazy.

In the process of heading towards home room I noticed two guys on ladders changing spotlights in the upper section of the ceiling of the school foyer. I had to walk under them which made me nervous. I had never seen anything like that before. If it wasn't that I was so interested in talking to Lenny I might have lingered longer to see what they were doing. It looked like they were having problems reaching some of the lamps.

Lenny was inside the room sitting at his seat. When he saw me he smiled and got up and walked towards me. He gestured that we should leave the room for a minute so he could talk to me. I was hoping he had news.

"Cole, I found out who the blonde is," he said. "You were right. She is a freshman, and she does live near you. Here is her address. I put it on this piece of paper for you". Lenny handed me a piece of paper.

"Yay, that's great!", I said. "How did you find out? Who is she? What is she like?" I could not wait any longer.

"Her name is Amanda Westbrook. I found out because she has a younger brother in middle school that my younger sister seems to know. It was not as hard as I thought to get the information. Her friends call her Manda. A few call her Mandy, but she prefers Manda."

"So what do you know of her?", I asked.

"Well, she keeps a small circle of close friends and is shy like you. She is smart, likes to read and plays some video games sometimes. She is a really nice kid, and a good girl for sure. She moved here from New Jersey only a couple of years ago, and because she is a freshman she is new to the school, just like you"

"Cole," he continued, "Amanda is a pretty nice, cute girl. That is obvious. If you want her as your girlfriend your gonna have to make some effort to make it happen. She is single right now, as they say, but some other guy might get her if you don't do anything. Your gonna have to muster up some courage and do something to at least let her know your interested in her."

"Yeah, your right, but I just don't know what to do. I have no clue what to talk to her about or what to do. I want her to be with me but maybe she won't like me. I don't know how to talk. I will just be this bumbling talker, and I look like a big fat kid. What girl wants to be with a fat kid?"

"Cole, your not a fat kid. Your disguised as a fat kid. Why do you have to wear those baggy clothes anyway?"

"My parents keep telling me I can't call attention to myself and need to stay in the background as a fat kid. I don't know why. I hate it. They actually gave the school a note so I didn't have to take gym class so nobody would see how I really looked. The note says I have a heart condition. I don't have a heart condition. I hate that too."

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