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When I entered the school I was late enough that I had to go directly to English class where they have those spelling tests on Monday. I had prepared for this test, but I was late, and they usually gave them at the beginning of the period so I was expecting to get an F.

When I walked into the classroom I noticed everyone was looking at me, including the teacher.

"Well, it was nice of you to come join us Mr. Hammond. Please take your seat. You realize you missed the spelling test, right?", said the teacher.

"I am sorry I had a medical problem to attend to.", I said.

The teacher just looked at me for a minute.

"You do look like something happened to you. You don't look very well. Cole, I think I am going to give you a break and give you a chance to take the spelling test now. Class, pay attention. I never do this, but I think we can all agree that Cole is sick or something so we will give him a break. I am not a heartless teacher."

"Thank you, ma'am", I said.

"Class, please review your notes on your reading assignment while I give Cole the test. The test is only five minutes so it won't be long".

The teacher sat across from me but before starting the test asked me if I was okay. She said I looked terrible and not like I usually looked.

"I have been sick and am very tired, but I will be okay. Thanks for letting me take the test."

"Do you need to go home?"

"No, I will be okay. I think it is just this one day."


So the teacher then rambled through the words and I spelled them out. She checked them and I got them all right. At least one thing went right today.

From there I went to my favorite class, biology. Amy and her friend were at the lab pod when I arrived and they stared at me strangely. Amy was wearing a tight knit top that conformed to her beautiful breasts which she always liked to show off. I could tell she noticed I was staring at her breasts, but I didn't care. I always did, and she always seemed to like that I was doing it and let me look at them as much as I wanted. She normally would flirt with them, but this day she was distracted by my appearance. She usually didn't say much to me but this day was different.

"Cole, are you sick or something? You don't look like yourself," said Amy.

"I'm okay. I had some medical thing I had to deal with in the morning which tired me out, but I am okay."

"I hope it's not serious. Do you want me to take notes for your or something?", offered Amy.

"No, I'm okay. I think I already understand the material in the chapter," I said.

"Yeah, you can say that again. You seem to know more about what is going on in this class than the teacher. I wish you would tutor me. I am having problems," said Amy.

"Thanks for the complement, Amy. I might be able to do it. I don't know. I did not know you wanted that. Let me think about it," I said.

I was sure she knew that Manda was my girl. I was not sure if she really wanted tutoring or something more. I needed to be with Manda.

When class ended I went down to study hall. I was getting a lot of strange looks. I knew I looked like crap, but other kids sometimes looked like crap too, so what was the big deal. Of course this was the first time I saw anybody in the school since learning the secret of the neurosyths. Apart from not looking clean and neat I probably looked depressed. I felt alone. I could not talk to my guardian dad or Jill since they had their own problems. I could not talk to Manda. The neurosynths were supposed to be a big secret, and I did not want to scare her telling her I was essentially a Frankenstein monster freak that might be dangerous.

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