We'll be there too

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"Y/n where the fuck do you keep your- oh never mind" Justin said from inside the house

Elizabeth, Justin, Carmen and I were all sitting in my backyard at a little round table eating lunch together. Brandon and Jess unfortunately couldn't make it for whatever reason. Maybe they're hooking up, who knows.

"What were you looking for?" I asked once he came back out with empty hands

"I was looking for a pickle" he replied

A confused look crossed my face

"A pickle?" Carmen questioned

"Yes. I was craving one and I went to go get one" he replied

"And you couldn't find them at first?" Liz asked

"No" he replied

We all gave him a weird look because a pickle jar is something that is hard to miss

"Anyways... if you guys are done judging me, the concert is like what, three days away?" Carmen asked

Liz nodded eagerly

"Someone looks excited" Justin said laughing as he popped a fry into his mouth

"Obviously. It's Taylor Swift and they're floor seats!" She exclaimed

"You have every right to be... but Carmen and I should tell you guys something" Justin began

I began to feel worry grow inside of my stomach for some reason. There's no way he was going to tell me the radio station was a scam. That's impossible. I watched as he nodded at Carmen to tell her to speak

"We've been meaning to tell you guys this" she began

"Back up. I know you're not about to tell us you two are in a relationship" Elizabeth spoke

The two gays looked at each other and bursted out laughing

"Are you kidding?" Justin tried to control himself

I had to hold my laugh back, but honestly, I could totally see it happening. They flirt a lot and from what I can tell, mercury is in rotation

"I wouldn't be surprised. Mercury is in rotation" Elizabeth said almost as if she was reading my mind

"I was just thinking that" I gasped

She winked at me

"I love you, but I don't love you" Justin told Carmen

"Right back at you" she sipped her drink

"Well if you're not dating, what do you need to tell us?" I asked

"We'll be there too!" Justin cheered

Liz looked confused

"At the concert" Carmen clarified

"Oh my god!" She cheered back

"How?" I asked with excitement in my voice

"The same radio station where you got your tickets" Justin answered

"Holy shit" I said

"Holt shit indeed" Carmen has the biggest smile on her face

"Where are your seats located?" Liz asked

"We're also on the floor, but on the other side of you guys" Justin answered

That caused Liz and I to frown slightly. I knew there was a slim chance we would be seated together, but I was hoping we would be close enough at least

"That sucks" I admitted

"I know, but maybe we can switch with whoever is next to you. It's not like they're downgrading" Carmen pointed out

She had a point

"Im just happy we're going!" Justin cheered

"Me too. This is going to be a show we'll remember all too well" I made a reference

"I see what you did there" Liz winked playfully at me

"It was too perfect not to" I said

Everyone nodded in agreement

"Did you guys make your bracelets?" Liz asked

The two exchanged a look

"Don't tell me you didn't know about that bracelet rule" I said with a parental disappointed tone

"Are you even Swifties?" Elizabeth scolded

"What's the bracelet rule?" Carmen whispered to Justin as if we wouldn't hear

"Bitch I don't know" he whispered back

"I'll give you the run down" Elizabeth began

"Here we go again" I joked with a playful eye roll

"Basically Swifties trade bracelets they make at the show. They should be Taylor themed, but I mean they don't have to be. I think it would be weird if they're not though" she briefly explained

I watched as the two nodded their heads taking note what the blonde was saying

"So I'm guessing you two made your bracelets already?" Justin asked

I nodded

"And y/n's parents helped us" Elizabeth added

"Even your dilf of a dad?" Justin asked

That caused all three of us to snap our heads at him

"Justin!" I scolded

"Oops" he out his hand over his mouth scandalously

"You're gross" I said

"Yes you are. Did your milf of a mom help too?" Carmen agreed but then countered Justin

"I'm done. I'm going" I said as I began to stand up

I didn't get very far before Liz grabbed my hand and pulled me back

"How many did you guys make?" Carmen asked us

I looked at Liz to see if she knew

"I honestly have no idea" she replied

"Let me go get them" I said getting up from my spot and walking inside my house to my bedroom

"Here we are" I said coming back and setting the box down on the table

"Oh my gosh!" Justin exclaimed

"This is at least five hundred" Carmen said with her jaw dropped

"Well you guys can have some of ours, you don't mind right y/n?" Liz asked me

"Not at all" I said

"Thank you so much" Justin replied

"Yea thank you. That saves us time" Carmen added

"Of course" Liz and I said in unison

"And we'll get you up to date on all the newest swiftie things" Justin said

"Do you know about the chants?" Liz asked

"There's chants?" Carmen asked

"Oooh yea" I replied

"Since you two are uncultured, we're gonna catch you up" Elizabeth said as she sipped her water

I watched as she two darker haired friends side eyed each other and tuned into what Elizabeth was saying

"Tell them about the chants" she told me

Truth is, Liz had to tell me about the chants as well since I had no clue what she was talking about. I thought she meant we just chant 'Taylor, Taylor, Taylor!' the whole concert. I didn't know we had to ask what time it was before she began to sing Style

"Go on" Carmen said sounding intrigued

I put my drink down and cracked my knuckles playfully to know things are about to her serious


Next chapter is the concert!!!!!

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