Young love

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After Liz and I looked at those apartments yesterday, we were going to talk about it with my parents, but they went out on a date night. Instead, we talked to Liz's mom and it went pretty smoothly and she even offered to help us pay for the deposit. She also told Liz that she is thinking about asking her boyfriend of three years to move in and Liz encouraged her. It was time for her mom to be happy after her step dad had passed five years prior.

My parents had told me that they would be out until pretty late so I decided I was going to stay the night at Liz's just in case.. I don't want to walk in on anything and then question my whole life.

"Liz" I shake the girl sleeping next to me

"Hm?" She hummed

"Do you want to go get breakfast burritos?" I asked

She immediately sat up

"From where?" She asked

"Burrito Kingdom?" I asked

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She cheered

I laughed at how excited she got

"Hurry go brush your teeth before they stop selling breakfast ones" I told her

"What time is it?" She asked

"Ten thirty, they stop at eleven" I told her

She nodded as she got out of her bed and began walking out of the room to go brush her teeth in the bathroom that just sits at the end of her hall. She didn't keep me waiting long because within five minutes, she came back with her hair brushed out, minty breath, and her pimple patches removed

"Ready" she said

I nodded as I got up from the bed and we began walking down the stairs

"You drive, I'll pay" I told her since my car was at my house and I didn't feel like walking over there

"Deal" she said as she grabbed her keys

We soon made it to her car and she immediately began to play music. This week she is on a Gracie Abrams kick and has non-stop been listening to her

"Have you talked to John?" I asked suddenly

"Yea, when you were sleeping, he called me" she told me

"What time did I go to sleep? I thought it was late already" I asked

"Girl, you went to sleep at like eleven thirty" she laughed

"I must've been tired then" I laughed back

"I guess so" she said

"What did John say?" I asked

"Nothing really. We just talked about stuff.. Oh and Taylor said to tell you hi" Liz spoke

"Taylor was there?" I asked

"Yea, I guess John is now one of her fulltime security guards along with his dad" Liz spoke

"That's interesting" I said

"Yea, but at least now when you hangout with Taylor I can be with John" she stated

"True" I told her as she was pulling in the drive thru of the burrito place

"Hi, welcome to Burrito Kingdom, what can I get you?" A voice spoke through the speakers

"I'll get a bacon, egg, potato, and chili breakfast burrito" I began

Liz looked at me and whispered 'me too'

"Make that two" I added

"Will that be all?" He asked

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