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My difficulty breathing is what wakes me up from my once peaceful sleep. I slowly peer my eyes open to be faced with darkness. Once I've come to realization, I noticed that the cause for my difficult breathing was a pillow. A literal pillow was placed over my face. I tossed it on the ground and I soon began to feel Taylor stir in the bed

"Everything alright?" She asked in a groggy voice

Her back was facing me so I didn't know if she was awake to the point where her eyes are open

"There was a pillow on my face" I responded

She rolled over slightly, just enough to look at me

"Oooh that's where it went" she stated

"You tried to suffocate me on our first ever sleepover?" I asked jokingly

"If I did its only because you cheated at Scrabble" she defended

"How do you even cheat at Scrabble?" I asked

"I don't know, but you did" she accused me once more

"I'm just that good" I said

"Yea, I bet" she said sarcastically

I playfully rolled my eyes

"You know I could report you for trying to suffocate me" I joked

"Oh really?" She asked rolling over completely so we were now facing each other

"Mmhm. I can see the headlines now, 'Taylor Swift tries to suffocate mystery woman after going to four of her conerts' oh yea, TMZ would have a play date with that" I nodded

"Hm interesting" she nodded

"And I be rich!" I exclaimed

"How much would you sue me for?" She asked

"Who said anything about suing?" I asked

"Well how are you going to get rich?" She asked

"By selling my story. I don't have the brain capacity to sue" I said with a shrug

She laughed as she shook her head

"What time is it?" She asked

I looked over her shoulder to see the clock that was on one of the bedside tables

"It looks like it says ten" I replied

"It looks like?" She questioned

"Obviously the hotel doesn't replace their clocks often because the numbers are all messed up" I told her

She rolled over to have a look for herself and when she saw it, she smiled

"Did you hear any noises last night?" She asked

"Noises?" I asked

"Yea" she said

"What kind of noises?" I asked

"Like a headboard banging" she said

My eyes went wide

"No" I laughed

"I swear I did" she said

"I wouldn't doubt it. I believe you" I told her

"And it was going on for over an hour" she added

I shook my head at the image

"At least someone is getting some" I joked

"Oh god" Taylor said as she shook her head

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