Who are the mystery girls

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As the sun peers through my curtains and wakes me up, I can't help but to feel around for my phone in order to check the time. Once I find it laying next to me, I see that it's almost noon. I usually never sleep this late, but I know it's due to the fact that Liz and I just got home a few hours ago. I sigh as I rub the tired out of my eyes and begin to get out of bed in order to take a shower.

Once I'm awake enough to be able to stand straight, I grab my towel and some clothes before making my way to the bathroom. Despite the Vegas heat, I set the water temperature to hot because I don't think this airport smell will leave if I don't burn it in hot water. I hum to myself as I massage the shampoo into the scalp and let the hot water run down my achy body. I probably spent a little longer than I should have in the shower, but I knew deep down I needed it. As I step out of the shower, I immediately go to the sink and do my skin care after I put my clothes on. Once I was all finished with that, I opened the bathroom door and the steam soon followed me as I walked out

"Holy shit!" I jumped as I saw Liz sitting on my bed and scrolling through her phone

"Oh hey" she replied as she looked up

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to show you something, but I wasn't going to disturb your shower" she shrugged

"You could have at least knocked on the door to let me know you were here" I told her

"I did, but you were hitting some Ariana Grande high notes and I didn't want to disturb that" she pointed out

My cheeks tinted red in embarrassment

"Did you even get enough sleep?" I asked changing the subject as I began to brush through my hair

"Yea, I feel really energized now" she stretched

"That's good" I told her

"Did you get enough?" She asked me

"I think so" I replied

She nodded

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked

"First off, I wanted to talk to you about something" she began

"Go on" I urged

"Well you know how I told Gracie that she can always stay with me if she ever wants to come visit" Liz reminded me

"Mhm" I hummed in response

"I was thinking that we should start looking for apartments. I know it's pretty expensive out there, but what if Taylor also wants to come visit. I think I would be quite silly we say they can stay with us at our parents house" Liz explained

I thought about her idea for a second. It wasn't a bad one, and I have a good amount of money saved. Plus I'm sure my parents as well as hers won't hesitate to help us

"I like your idea" I told her

"You do?" She asked sounding shocked

I nodded

"I was prepared for you to shoot it down immediately" she told me

"Not at all. It makes sense" I told her

"So you agree. We should start looking?" She asked

"Yup" I replied

She squealed as she jumped up and down

"I cant believe we might actually be doing this!" She exclaimed

That caused me to laugh

"I'll start looking on Zillow tonight. You do the same" she told me

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