No invite?

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"Are you ready yet? Everyone else is waiting on us" I asked Liz as she was putting on makeup

"Give me one second. How are you even done before me?" She asked

"Because I didn't spent thirty minutes texting John instead of taking a shower" I fired

That caused her to send me a glare

"You're just jealous" she shrugged

I scoffed playfully

"There. I'm done" she said as she capped her lip gloss

"Finally. Now lets go" I said basically dragging her down the stairs and out of the front door

"Where are we meeting everyone again?" She asked as she got into the passenger seat

"I told you. We're going to Justin's and Carmen's" I told her once again.. probably for the one hundredth time

She didn't respond though. Her face was in her phone texting John I assume

"Give me this" I said snatching it away from her

"What the hell?" She asked

"You're literally not even listening to me" I told her

"Yes I am" she defended

"Where did I say we were meeting?" I asked

"The diner" she replied

"Wrong!" I exclaimed

"Are you sure, because I'm pretty sure I heard you say the diner" she tried to defend herself

"I didn't" I told her

She hummed

"Can I have my phone back?" She asked

"I guess" I said giving it to her

"Can I aux?" She asked

"Nope, you weren't listening to me so now I get to aux" I told her

She groaned

"That's your punishment" I told her

She crossed her arms over her chest like a little kid


"Oh hey guys, we're still waiting on Brandon" Justin said as he opened the door

"Is Jess here?" I asked

"I am!" She cheered coming to hug me as she walked in from the kitchen

"What a miracle. You and Brandon usually show up together" I told her as I hugged her back

"I spent the night" she said

I nodded as her and Liz hugged as well

"I'm also here" Serenity walked in

"Oh my gosh! Hey Renny" I hugged her

"I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever" she spoke into the hug

"I know" I said pulling away so she can hug Liz next

Next, Carmen walked in and greeted us before she grabbed Serenity by the waist and kissed her cheek

"Evan might be coming too" Justin chimed in

"Really?" I asked

He nodded

"I can't wait to see him, I haven't seen him since high school" Liz spoke

"Yea, he said he misses you guys" Justin spoke

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