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"Y/n, its time to get up" my mom gently knocked on my door

"I'm already up" I said just loud enough for her to hear

She slowly opened my door to see me sitting at my vanity putting a little bit of makeup on

"Oh, where are you heading to?" She asked

"I didn't think you would be home yet, so I was just gonna text you and ask if its okay to go out to eat with Justin, Carmen, and Liz?" I asked

"Of course it is" She replied

"Thanks" I smiled

"No Jess and Brandon?" She asked

I shook my head no before I spoke

"Jess said she's spending the day with her grandma and Brandon doesn't seem to go anywhere without her.. I think they might be hooking up" I said honestly

"I wouldn't doubt it. They were always so flirty with each other" My mom replied

I nodded

"Why are you home so early?" I asked

"I came to change my shirt, I don't think I like this color on me" She said tugging on her green and white striped button down blouse

I frowned

"And I love that color on you" I told her

"I know, but I don't think its professional enough" She said

"I think its fine" I told her

She was just about to speak when the doorbell rang

"I think its Liz" I told her

"Probably, I'll go get it for you" She told me

"No. its alright. Go change your shirt" I told her

She nodded as I walked out of my room and headed downstairs

"Is your mom here? Her car is in the driveway" Liz asked

"Yea, she needed to change her shirt" I said

"So she's shirtless right now?" Liz asked

"Probably not anymore" I laughed at where this was going

"Damn" Liz said sounding disappointed

"Damn what?" My mom came down the stairs in a fresh shirt

"Nothing" Liz said

"She was hoping to see you without a shirt I guess" I threw Liz under the bus which resulted in her hitting me

"Maybe in another lifetime" My mom playfully winked at her

That caused me to laugh and Liz's cheeks to turn red

"You girls have fun and be safe" My mom touched our shoulders before heading to the front door

"Thank you" I replied as I kissed her cheek

"You stay safe too" Liz added

My mom nodded with a gentle smile before closing the door behind her

"I can't believe you just told her that" Liz hit me again

"Sorry?" I shrugged

"That was so embarrassing" She admitted

"Well next time don't hit on my mom" I said honestly

"Whatever, lets go" She pouted


"How are you guys?" Liz asked Justin and Carmen as we greeted them both with a hug

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