This is it

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These past two days have been a dream. Like nothing we did feels real. I spent the night with Taylor Swift and I got to see my best friend be comfortable around someone for the first time in three years since her terrible, terrible break up. Although I don't want this to come to an end, unfortunately it has to since Taylor does have a show tomorrow.

I'm currently laying down as I scroll through my phone and let Taylor sleep a few extra minutes since we did end up going to bed late because we stayed up talking all night long. As I'm scrolling through Twitter, I see the pictures of all of us out yesterday. From pictures of John and Liz holding hands to pictures of Taylor grabbing my arm because she was laughing so hard. I screenshotted a few cute ones as I continued scroll because paparazzi really knows how to use a camera

"Are you taking pictures of me sleeping?" Taylors groggy voice spoke

"No of course not. I was taking a screenshot" I said

"Oh.. of what?" She asked

"The paparazzi pictures from yesterday" I said

Taylor immediately shot up

"What?" She asked

I didn't even react, I just nodded

"Can I see?" She asked motioning for my phone

"Sure" I said handing it to her

Now it was her turn to scroll through the photos. As she was scrolling, there was a harsh knock on the door

"It's Liz" my friends voice spoke on the other side of the door

I got out of bed and let her in, John not in sight for the first time since we got here

"Did you see?" She asked coming in

When she saw Taylor sitting up and scrolling through my phone with wide eyes

"Oh I guess you're seeing now" she said

I nodded

"They are so good at taking cute pictures" Liz said

"Tell me about it. I screenshotted a few" I agreed

Taylor looked up from my phone with a confused look

"Are you two seriously praising these photos right now?" Taylor laughed

"Yes, they make me look so good" I said

"Me and John look cute too" Liz said

I nodded agreeing with her

"I'm going to cherish those pictures forever. Maybe even print some out" Liz said

"As you should. If you decide to print them, make a few copies" I told her

"Obviously" Liz told me

Taylor watched us go back and forth with a smile on her face

"Well I'm glad you two aren't mad" Taylor said sounding relieved

"Mad?" Liz asked

"Why would we be mad?" I asked

She shrugged before she spoke

"The spot light isn't made for everyone and I'm aware of that. I would hate for you two to avoid coming around simply because of the photos" Taylor said honestly

"We don't care to be honest" Liz stated

"We really don't, except when they make me look like a runway model" I said

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