It's hard to talk to you

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"We need to leave now" Liz said as she was rushing me

"Why? She didn't say a specific time" I said

"Because maybe I want to go get food" she said

Food did sound pleasing

"So next time just say that" I laughed

"Shut up" she told me

"Did someone not get enough sleep?" I asked

"No because you were giggling all night" she glared at me

"No I wasn't" I defended

"Yes you were" she deadpanned

"I wouldn't call it giggling" I said

"Then what would you call it?" She asked

"I would call it..." I thought for a moment

"Exactly! And I just know you were giggling at whatever little message Taylor sent you" she said

I rolled my eyes as I texted Taylor what time we should be there

"Taylor said we should be there at like two" I said showing her my screen

"I can't believe you just casually text Taylor Swift now" Liz said still not believing what happened last night

"You could too. She also gave you her number" I told her

"She only did that so I wouldn't feel left out" she replied

"I'm sure that's not true" I said

"It might be" she said as she was on her phone

"Look there's this cute little diner right there by the stadium" she showed me her phone

"It is cute" I agreed

"It's settled then. We're going there" she said

I nodded since I really didn't care where we go to eat

"The uber will be here soon" she said

"How soon?" I asked

"Like three minutes" she told me

"Alright, just enough time for me to put on mascara" I said

"I feel like that's what you always do last. If we're late its because you still haven't put on mascara. If I'm done before you, its because you still haven't put on mascara, if you forget something, it's probably your mascara" she began to recount the times that I didn't put mascara on

"Yea, but I always do it quick" I said

"Our uber is here" she said ignoring what I just said

"Good thing I'm done" I said recapping the tube

"And you always finish in record time" she pointed out

I pretended to dust fake dirt off my shoulder in a cocky manner as I followed her out of our room and to the uber. We made it to the diner in no time and we were quickly seated

"We have an hour to eat" Liz said checking the time on her phone

I nodded as the waitress came over

"Are we ready to order?" The nice woman named Ruth asked

"I think we are" I smiled

I looked at Liz for her to go first

"I'll have chicken strips with fries" she smiled the older woman as she wrote it down

"And I'll have french toast" I smiled

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