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AN: First and foremost, I want to thank you all for staying so far! It means a lot that you guys are reading this :). I would like to also let you guys know I do accept any criticism as long as you aren't rude about it, but it's always welcomed!!
Secondly, I do want to remind you all that this is not based on the game, I have watched the campaign and I try to study the way the characters are, but they will not be exactly according to the game so please do not expect it to be that way!
Thank you again! Okay back to the story :)
My alarm went off as it was 6:30 am.
Shit, training with ghost? Why couldn't it be Price or the other Sergeants.
I smacked my hand on my face dreading the training with Ghost, but it was protocol to get trained once you join a new force, so I understood.

I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror trying to reassure myself that today would be better.
"You can do this" I sighed.
I continued my morning routine and got into uniform heading my way to the break room down the hall. I was hoping to at least get some type of food or drink in my system before training.
I walk into the break room and saw Gaz and soap sitting at the table.
"Mornin' Rose" Soap greeted.
"Morning, what you guys got going on today?" I asked as I poured my cup of coffee.
"Well, I will be joining you in training today actually" Soap replied.
I raise my eyebrows as I took a sip, "oh! Really? Thank God" I sighed with relief.
Soap laughs, "seems like you weren't looking forward to it with just Ghost huh?"
I shook my head letting out a small laugh. "How about you Gaz?"
Gaz looked up from eating, "Me & Price got some paperwork to attend to. Superr fun" he said sarcastically.
"Good luck" I nudged his arm.
I look at the time and it was already 6:55.
"Well, we better get going soap, don't want to keep the big guy waiting" I said with a slight dread in my tone.
Soap pushed his chair out as he gets up and we head out walking to the warehouse.
As we were walking soap sparked up a conversation.

Soap: "I'm sorry everything was so rushed yesterday; the mission was kind of urgent. Did you ever get a tour of the base?"

"I haven't actually, this base seems bigger compared to where I was previously." I said as I looked around.

Soap: "And no one has offered yet? Bunch of losers, if you'd like, I will show you around later, get you a bit familiarized."
He gave me a slight nudge.

"Sounds good to me" I agreed.

As we continued, we finally reached the warehouse, we got there just in time. Ghost was already training as I saw him shooting targets moving through obstacles.
As he finishes his rounds, Ghost takes notice we walked in.

Ghost: "Grab a gun and start, we don't have all day"
He rasped.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the gun lockers, picked up a pistol to start off with. Soap grabbed an assault rifle and headed towards the target shooting range. 

Ghost stood behind me glaring at me with his dark eyes breathing heavily as he observed. He seriously needed to get off my ass trying to intimidate me, because it was not going to work. 

There were 3 targets up in different spots of the obstacle course, I had to show Ghost I am not just a woman on a force for the hell of it, I am a commander, and I am damn good one. 

Just like that I start shooting. 

Target one, right between the eyes.

Target two, headshot. 

Target three another headshot. 

I place the gun down on the wooden stand and turned to look at Ghost. I arched my eyebrow, "How did I do? Meet your expectations, sir?" I said with an affirmative tone. 

"Not exactly, you still got more to prove. We will continue tomorrow, same time."  He fired back. 

He walks out the warehouse leaving me and Soap, I turned over to meet his face. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding, right?" I said with slight annoyance. 

Soap: "Well, if it helps, I think you did great, he will grow on you don't worry" 

He winked and punched my arm lightly. "Let's get the tour started, shall we?" 

At this point, I needed a break and good distraction, I nodded my head with agreement. "Now that I can agree to." I replied. 

We walked out the warehouse and all I could think of was Ghost's response. "not exactly", well we will see about that tomorrow, Ghost.

Unexpected Lover | S. 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now