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Due to my training and sparring since I joined the force, today was my last free day. After putting on my uniform, I went to the break room.

During my walk down the hall, I noticed him; it was ghost. It wasn't easy to avoid eye contact with him, but I tried. I glanced up to his eyes and smiled warmly as I replied, "Morning Lt." He paused in his tracks as I stopped at mine, "What are you up to today?" his tone sounding light but direct. Looking around, I tried to find an excuse, "Well, I uh, don't know, really." He crossed his arms and kept the contact, "Well, now you have something going on, you'll be with me today." I could not refuse him, I didn't want to offend him, "I'm kind of starving, sir, do you mind if I eat first?" I chuckled nervously. Taking a step together, he tilted his head toward the break room.

Each time I am around him, I feel like my stomach is in knots, and I always worry about embarrassment.

We walked into the break room, Ghost walks to the couch and sits himself down as I go to the kitchen area to cook a quick meal. "Are you hungry lieutenant? I can cook an extra plate if you'd like." I asked. Ghost clears his throat, "Yeah I could go for a meal if you don't mind", I let out a small chuckle "Well looks like you took my suggestion huh?" I joked. He grinned "Don't get too cocky commander".

I continued making breakfast, eggs with toast and of course Yorkshire tea for Ghost, I was just going to have some hazelnut coffee. I placed the plates down on the table, "Breakfast is served, sir" I sat in the chair and pulled my plate towards me, and started eating. Ghost sat across from me "Thank you, commander. Not used to this kind of treatment I must say" he spoke. I swallow my food as I looked up at him "It's no problem at all honestly, I enjoy cooking" I smirked. Ghost raised an eyebrow, "how come?" He asked, "It's my escape, keeps me at peace in a way," I said softly. He nods, "My escape is through my shooting", I smirked "seems like your thing" I playfully replied.

Silence filled the room as we were eating, forks scratching against the plates as we took our bites. Before finishing I look up at Ghost, noticing he had his mask up above his mouth showing his soft lips and stubble covering around his jawline, a scar at the end crease of his mouth shape. I quickly looked away as my cheeks went pink, before he noticed I was staring and I cleared my throat, "so uh, how was it" I asked smiling faintly "It was bloody good, haven't had a real meal in a while", he wiped his mouth with tissue and lowered his mask back down.

I wondered how he looked under the mask, why was he always hiding?

I grabbed the plates and walked over to the sink, "good I'm glad, we can feel energized for the day now" I spoke confidently smiling broadly. After I finished washing the dishes, I dried my hands on the hand towel and leaned against the counter as I turned to face Ghost. "What were the plans you had in mind?" I asked as I folded my arms together, he sighs, "Well, we could do some shooting, and practice for tomorrow's mission." I nod in agreement, "Shall we then?" I sway my arms towards the door.

Reaching the training warehouse, me and Ghost walked straight over to the gun lockers. I grabbed an assault rifle and some throwing knives. I look at Ghost grabbing a sniper and pistol and throwing knives as well.

We took our stances, "Are you up for a challenge, lieutenant?" I grinned, he let out a smug laugh and said, "Always." His voice sounded raspy but competitive. The guns' safety was removed, and we both started shooting rapidly at the targets. The adrenaline pumped through my body as my gun went off, I focused and without noticing I shot all headshots.

Ghost comes to my post, "Impressive Rose". I smiled as I took his compliment to heart, if only he knew what he does to me just by talking. I walk over to ghost's shooting post, he hit all headshots and maybe one or two shots between the eyes. "Ruthless are we?" I chuckled nudging his shoulder, Ghost looks me in the eyes and slowly shifts his body towards mine, "We all have our ways love" he said with a husk tone. It was almost intimdating, but such a turn on, "You saying got other sides to you?" I teased awkwardly, I was still slightly flustered. "Don't be a tease darling, we all got hidden sides", I saw his eyes creased as I knew he was smiling under his mask.

All that stood between us was our eyes and steady breathing, "I hope to see your other sides one day, Ghost" looking into eyes speaking softly but quiet enough for him to hear. Ghost looked at me up and down scanning my body, he then turned around "Bold Commander, keep it tactical" he teased with deep tone. That's when I knew I was falling for him, he didn't even need to touch me, his presence alone made everything better.

Ghost Pov:

Ever since Rose joined the force I was attracted to her. What was a woman doing on a force though? She could get hurt, but after seeing her training since she got here, she proved me wrong. Her moves attracted me as you can tell she was committed to this force but had the sweetest heart. Only ruthless when she needed to be. That's what I adored.

I wanted to show her that I wanted her, everything about her was amazing. Her humor, her voice, her eyes I could go on but let's just say I did not want anyone else having her. I want to keep her safe and I will make sure she knows that. One day, I will have her as mine.

Rose's Pov:

As he looked back at me, he had a tender look from his eyes, staring at me. Was he trying to say something? Is he okay? "Uh ghost?—" I laughed shyly as I waved my hands, he snaps out of his thoughts realizing he had been caught staring. "Apologies didn't mean to stare, uhm you seem good enough for tomorrow" He spoke, his voice was calm, it kind of took me off guard but I didn't think to pay any mind to it. "Catch you later then?", I smiled as I was walking towards the door, "affirmative" he replied.

I left the warehouse as I couldn't stop thinking about the way he was close to me, how he looked at me. I smiled the whole way back to my room, I was pretty excited for tomorrow's mission as well, my second time on the field.

As I laid on my bed I pondered about ghost, why was he different today? What did he look like under his mask? My mind continued to race and without realizing, I drifted off to sleep.

*knock knock*

I woke up as I heard soft knocking on the door. I darted my eyes to check the time on my phone, it was 8pm. Damn it I won't sleep tonight now, I smacked my hand on my face and got up walking towards the door, I opened it to see Price.

"Aye, sorry to wake you. I just wanted to let you know I am taking everyone out for dinner and drinks. Care to join?" He asked having a light smile on his face. I nod as I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up, "of course, let me just get ready" I smiled.

I close the door as he walked away, hmm a night out? This was going to be interesting.

Unexpected Lover | S. 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now