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As he fell asleep, I admired him. He looked so peaceful and calm; it was like all the worries, doubts, fears, and evil thoughts flushed away from his face. I didn't want to leave him alone, and he deserved the company after everything. The last thing he needed was to wake up alone. All I could think about was how peaceful he looked, yet why he looked so grim and severe when I first met him? Why was he so guarded?

As time passed, I didn't realize I fell asleep still holding him in my arms; I clicked to turn on my phone to find the time reading '5:30 a.m'. I sighed and slowly tried moving Simon's hand away from my waist as I tried to get up, not waking him. As my body shifted away carefully from his arms, I softly laid his arm on the space I was once in and put the soft blanket on him. He snored softly as he was still in a deep state of sleep. I smiled, admiring him once more; I leaned over towards his forehead and planted a warm, soft kiss. I left the room and closed the door as lightly as I could.

Going the next room over, I was finally back in my peace. I took a quick shower and threw on my slick, one-piece black uniform with high combat boots and my hair down, finally putting my tactical vest on last. I sighed as I threw my head back, "Another day, another mission soon to be assigned." I headed out once again and made my way to the break room.

I heard a voice, a voice I was too familiar with—a thick accent, a German accent, to be precise. "No, can't be... please don't be," I spoke softly. As I reached the break room, voices blurred out, and I saw him in the flesh and blood. My heart sank, it was him, könig. His tall, broad figure stood there, laughing and talking with Soap and Price. They shifted their attention toward me as I stood in the doorway, noticing my eyes locked on könig.

My breathing became jagged as I continued standing there in disbelief. Finally, I cut my contact and cleared my throat. "Uh, good morning, sir, soap." Price smiled slightly and warmly, "Mornin' Commander Rose." I walked towards the coffee, trying to avoid könig; my back was contorted from him. Soap noticed the tension and tried conversing as the room fell quiet, "Rose, you have any plans today?" he questioned. I turned around slowly, looking at Soap, "Range, maybe some gym time, after all," Cutting myself off, I looked at könig with serious eyes. "I need to let out some steam." I gritted.

"She seems feisty, Price," König spoke as he folded his arms, leaning against the table. "Rose, könig. König, Rose." Price added. König walked over to me, leaning down to reach my height, mocking me, "Nice to meet you, Schatz (sweetheart)." My body was slowly boiling up as his eyes looked at me under his black cloak over his face. "Likewise, König," I forcefully let out. Price then patted königs shoulder, "Let me give you a tour, mate." signaling him towards the door. König stood up, and I felt he was grinning under his mask. I knew the feeling too well. As they headed out, Soap looked at me with wide eyes, showing he felt the tension between könig and me.

I rolled my eyes, "Mactavish, not the time." I spoke firmly. He raised his hands and shook his head, "Yes, Ma'am," and walked out of the break room. Left alone, I grabbed my coffee from the machine and sipped slowly as my thoughts raced.

What the hell was he doing here? What does this even mean? How the hell am I going to tell Ghost my ex is here?

***A short chapter: I apologize, BUT I am still busy with school, but I'm still brainstorming! ❤️ Apologies for the long wait lovelies!***

Unexpected Lover | S. 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now