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I walked into the med bay looking for Penelope's room; as I walked down the quiet hall, I finally came across a room with a folder beside it reading Penelope Riley. I breathed in and out nervously as I didn't know what to expect from this conversation. I slowly opened the door, peeking in first before entirely going in; I saw ventilators and tubes around her and IVs connected to the arms, hearing the heartbeat on the monitor steadily. My god, they treated her horribly. She seemed awake as she was looking at the window that looked out towards the HQ building. She was quiet, seemingly thinking about something; overall, she looked kind enough to approach. As I entered the room, her face became transparent, showing the damage.

"Hello, Penelope.." I spoke gently, I didn't want to startle her, so I kept my distance enough to where she could hear me but not be frightened. She looked at me, showing her swollen, discolored eye and bruised cut lip. "I'm Commander Rose, part of task force 141." She let out a small smile, or at least tried, but she winced at her pain, "H-hi Commander, I'm sorry if I am not much help today since the pain remains." she groaned in slight discomfort. Did I have to talk to her now? She seems like she is in too much pain, even to talk. "It's okay. I only came to check on you and get some information if you can" I smiled warmly at her, she could see I wasn't being pushy, and she nodded. "Of course," she replied.

I grabbed a chair and sat beside her bed, "do you mind?" I question. "Please," she signaled her hand to sit, and I sat down, looking at her with concern. In her eyes, you can see hurt, damaged, and lost. "Why were you captured? What did they want?" I asked firmly but gently; I wasn't there to interrogate her; I just wanted to understand what happened clearly. She looked down, fidgeting with her fingers for a moment; she then sniffled and looked at me, "They have been terrorizing the area for months. My team got called to take a mission there," her voice cracking in and out as she explained, showing she was traumatized. "We got there, and next thing I know, I got tied up and brought to a basement, realizing we were dealing with a terrorist group. Calls themselves, El muerto viviente (the living dead)." My eyes widened at the name, the most dangerous Spanish terrorist mob; they were known for killing anyone in sight to cross them.

Something didn't add up; why her? "Penelope, what are you not telling me..?" I lean forward with my arms on my knees. She looked at me with slight worry, "I stole their blueprints; they are planning to steal US missiles. I know their leader, and it's who I was going after." I leaned back in my chair with my arms folded as I took her information in; this group was no joke. I needed to know who the leader was to let Price know. "Who is their leader?" I asked curiously, "Esteban Garcia." she replied with a firm tone. As silence passed, I stood up from my chair, "Thank you, Penelope, you helped more than you know.." I softly said, "Please get some rest. Someone will check on you tomorrow," letting out a warm smile, she returned one, "Anytime."

I walked towards the door, about to report to Price; Penelope then spoke up, "Tell Simon I miss him, please." I stopped at the door and looked back. "Of course, I will let him know." I nodded with a small smile.

This mission just became a whole lot messier.

*A filler chapter I know! But I'm still brainstorming I'm kinda having writers block at the moment!*

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