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I looked over to ghost as he paced back and forth waiting till we heard they had the woman safely. "Hey, we are going to get her, she's okay" I laid my hand on his shoulder circling around his back, reassuring him, he slowly brings his eyes up to mine as he looked almost concerned. I furrow my eyebrows, "Ghost ..." I stopped mid-sentence looking at him with soft eyes, "is she someone to you? Talk to me." He lets out a sigh, "It's my sister, Penelope" Anger then filled his eyes, "they will pay for this" he said with a firm tone. My eyes widened; ghost had a sister in a task force? I was speechless as I did not expect his answer, this mission became personal.

The comms static flickered as a voice came through, "Lt, she's secured should we call for Evac?" Gaz asked. Ghost walked off letting my hand fall back to my side, "affirmative, we are done here" his tone spoken low and deep. My heart felt saddened, but he had every right to feel whatever emotions he was feeling.
As we finished up in the warehouse we headed back to base, I rode back with soap and Gaz, Price and Ghost rode back with Penelope. I hope he's okay, I mean seeing someone beaten up the way she looked, I couldn't imagine his emotions. I zoned out as I looked out the window admiring the scenery on the way back.

Ghost's Pov:

I got assigned with Rose as we briefed on the mission, I was actually relieved. As price was briefing the others my eyes hung on her, her uniform hugging her curves with the leg harnesses gripping just right on her thighs. Hair up in a high ponytail swaying softly, everything about her was just addicting.

We reach our location for the mission and spread out to the assigned areas. Rose looked attractive being in tactical mode, you can tell she was passionate with what she does. As she took her enemies down, my eyes widened, "bloody hell..." I mumbled to myself. At this point anything she did was deeply attractive, I stared at her with admiration.

After clearing out the area and the warehouse, I came across live camera feeds, focused on one that caught my eye in a millisecond. My heart dropped, Is that... Penelope? My eyes widened as I saw her tied up, scrapes and bruises around her face as dry blood surrounded her cuts. I give the order to Soap and Gaz to find her and get her to safety, anger slowly rising in my blood. I controlled my temper as I did not want Rose to see me like this, but I can only hold back so much. I felt her hand on my shoulder, her soft touch reassuring me, it felt nice and comforting. I explained to her who the woman was, didn't think she would meet my sister like this. I saw her eyes furrow with concern, you can tell she was genuine. I didn't want her to see this part of me, I had to distance myself.

As Price approached with Evac, I see Gaz lay Penelope in the backseat gently. I couldn't believe it was actually her, I haven't seen her for years, but what did this terrorist group want with her? I sat in the front with Price, the whole car ride was filled with silence as a thousand thoughts ran through my head.

Rose's Pov:

As we got to base, nurses were called from Med Bay to retrieve Penelope and take care of her. I saw Ghost follow them as they carried Penelope's body on the stretcher. I turned to Price to find him already looking at me with gentle eyes as if he knew how I felt about the situation. He signaled his head for me to walk over, so I slowly walked towards him, "sir...?" I asked. He nodded his head, "let's go into my office, not here..." he said quietly. He laid his hand on my shoulder softly as we walked. I could feel the mood has changed, it felt solemn, he must have been close with her as well.

We step into his office; he closes the door behind him as I sat down in the chair in front of his desk. My body felt heavy, why? Price clears his throat as he sits down on the side of the desk, "Rose, did he tell you?.." I shook my head, "all he said was it was his sister, Penelope" I replied softly. Price let out a sigh, "you know what this means right?" , I look down at my hands for a second then looked at him "This is gonna be war, sir. This terrorist group made it personal." Price nodded, "Try to keep Ghost calm, he doesn't handle personal things well but we need to remember our responsibility" he said with slight concern. He wants me to calm ghost? Why me? I give a slight nod as I was confused but I respected his wish. I got up from the chair and walked towards the door, "see you tomorrow sir" I said with a soft tone. "Night Rose get some rest, yeah? You deserve it. You did a great job today" he replied as he let out a soft smile, "thank you sir." I head out of his office as I made my way to my room.
I enter my room, kicking my boots off as they flung onto the floor. I made my way into the bathroom dreadfully as I was still a bit tired after the mission, so all I wanted to do was rest. I step into my hot shower, trying to wash away the dirt and blood. Feeling the water run on down face felt relieving. My thoughts took me back to the mission, ghost's face when he discovered the cameras. I look at my reflection in the mirror once I got out, trying to see what has changed about me after this mission. I can barely felt my body aching anymore.

Once I changed into some pjs, I laid on my bed and as I close my eyes, my thoughts started to wander again trying to process everything that happened. My thoughts wander towards Ghost, wondering how he was doing, I was just hoping he was okay. Maybe I'll visit him tomorrow, after all price wants me to keep him calm.

Slowly, my mind goes into ease taking me away from it all, as sleep finally came.

Unexpected Lover | S. 'Ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now