Random Rant #1

18 0 13

This is a rant about me being an idiot. Enjoy.

Okay, so a while ago I started a Rocky x Oc called My Darling on impulse as you guys already may know. I started it....and I'VE ONLY WRITTEN THREE COMPETE CHAPTERS!

For SOME REASON my dumbass still unable to write due to burnout from an old account and it's driving me insane. Because if you look at the chapters they look like this:
A/N || Introduction

LACKADAISY - Pilot pt.1

LACKADAISY - Pilot pt.2

LACKADAISY - Speakeasy

A/N (aka this is on hold now)
I LOOK LIKE A LAZY DUMBASS. But the thing is, people do NOT know I wrote waaaaaaay more than this in another fic. It was because of that fic and the former account along with it, I'm still stuck in burnout. People pressured me into writing for a fandom I was no longer apart of and I just left that account all together. To be honest, I should of deleted the fic. It was bad. But it got really popular and I didn't wanna disappoint everyone.

And because of this, I feel really bad that I only wrote how little for My Darling. I probably AM a lazy dumbass! I transitioned from accounts to fast, and if I just took an actual break instead of starting a fic on impulse, I would not be in this predicament.

"oH wHy DoNt I jUsT sTaRt ThIs FiC, I LiKe ThIs FaNdOm?" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? Now just after THREE chapters it says "sorry guys, burnt-out, PEACE" GODDAMIT, IM AN IDIOT

Also a LOT of things happened after I started the fic, so that's a more valid reason I hope. Also I'm also writing new chapters, it's just really hard for me to focus when I'm writing so I can't update and that sucksssssssss

If you're a big fan of it or something, I'm SO SORRY

Anyways this wasn't the best day for me in general (or few days), a lot of bull crap happened, but I'll talk to you guys later

Update: In case you're wondering I've written about 700 words (not really that good.) and I'm able to write a little but today. I'm gonna try to get to 1000 something words today. Hopefully I'll be able post SOMETHING soon but that's pretty much it

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