Random vent #7

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When your mom proceeds to tell you how you're so amazing and wonderful and how she'd actually die without you, because she doesn't have anyone to comfort her since both dad and grandma are gone for good.

But then she yells at you for being mad at her everyday because you said something in a tired tone, so you try to avoid her by always being in your room but she notices and screams at you

Then some bad stuff happens and she says "I wish you could just be a better daughter" and "if  you're (insert something stupid to get upset over like being gay), I'm going to off myself."

Then when you bring up anything she does wrong she'll either A. Tries to gaslight you into thinking it didn't happen by saying "I never said that!"

B. Yell at you when you said you were trying to communicate and also yells at you when you tell her "hey you know you're supposed to like trust me righttttt?" Or anything that's actually reasonable. One thing she really gets upset about is hugs and she had a meltdown then told me to hug her more so I asked "can I hug you" and she said "NO!" since it's apparently a woke thing to ask first.

Or C. Proceeds to have another mental breakdown saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm such a bad mom" but then doesn't even try to change

Guess that's just normal parenting. I'm being defensive again, aren't I?

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