I'm not dead REAL!!!???!???? 😱😱😱😨😨😨

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I know I've been very inactive but hi, hello, I'm still alive. Life's been interesting and I'm kinda overwhelmed by everything at the moment haha yay how fun

Just so you know I'm alright, I'm existing still, everything's just been really loud and yeaaah but I'll be okay

So I'm just gonna take a break from social media and this account for a bit, I mean I already have I've just been too scared to tell anyone until now

This might last for only a week or so, or maybe even a few months, I'm not sure and I'm nervous to say anything specific since my anxiety is very inconsistent 

But I'm not going to leave my account or delete it or whatever, I'm just not going to be able to reply to a lot of people with a lot of things as much

I just need to breathe for a bit, I hope that isn't a bad thing

On a lighter note, IT'S ROCKY'S BIRTHDAY YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, once I'm doing better I'll definitely draw something for that

I think that's it though, I hope no one hates me and that everyone's doing okay, and I might delete this if I feel too anxious about it but yeah I'm done rambling now byeee, ari out 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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