A lil thingy, idk what to call this chapter

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I'm not sure if I should post vents on this book or not to this. I'm really self conscious and the stuff I usually vent about is a bit complicated. I don't really wanna to explain my whole life story to talk about why some of my friends aren't really the best, but I feel like I would have to for anything to make sense. I over explain things a lot.

Plus I don't want it to be a mood killer or anything, since the things I usually ever post is really just memes and light hearted content (expect for rants but only because they aren't depressing). It would be kinda weird if you guys to know about some stuff and feel sorry for me. I know it's healthy and good to vent openly but that would probably be very awkward. You guys might not even care and I understand that.

Overall, would that be awkward for you guys? This is already awkward enough probably and I just wanna make sure before I do anything. But ima go die now, Ari out

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