Chapter 3

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Y/N's Perspective

Last night has left me in a total mess. That moment Eddie and I had after his dumb little club meeting played on a constant repeat in my mind all night and all morning. I mean, what was that? He knows I am dating Billy, so there is no reason for him to be so explosive when I mention his name.

Things were going so well between us before I told him I had to go, but I heard Billy's voice in the hallway and I know if he saw me, that would be the end of me. He would have been so furious if he saw me in the Hellfire room talking to Eddie.

I don't know why, but Billy would always get more upset when he saw me around Eddie. Billy is always a hot headed, but he gets especially angry when Eddie is around.

That is why I backed away from Eddie. I was protecting the both of us really. Billy would have beat up Eddie and then hit me after we left. I can handle it when Billy gets angry with me, but Eddie does not deserve to be apart of Billy's brutish behavior.

It took everything in me to step back from Eddie. His magnetic charm was too intoxicating to pull back from. I could have sworn he was going to kiss me, but then he just got angry with me instead.

I ruined the moment, but then again, I know I read it wrong. Eddie does not like me. There is no way someone like Eddie Munson actually likes me. I mean the fact that I managed to get someone like Billy Hargrove to like me is nothing short of a minor miracle, so getting someone like Eddie to like me was damn near impossible.

Obviously all the events of last night were not able to leave my head this morning, so the drive to school with Dustin was a quiet one. Well quiet for me at least. He rambled on about Eddie's campaign last night and I couldn't help but feel a twinge in my heart every time I heard that name.

When we finally pull up to the school, Dustin and I get out of the car. He clearly can see that I am upset. I was never really good at hiding my emotions. I can see him searching my eyes, thinking of something to say to me. "So you're really not going to tell me why you decided to take me to school today?"

"I don't know why you are so hung up on this? I didn't want you to ride your bike to school. You may be annoying, but you are my brother and I will always take care of you."

"And I appreciate it. Really! But you've been acting a bit quiet since last night. Did Eddie do something  last night? Did Billy?"

What could I say to my little brother about what actually happened last night? I wanted to kiss your friend. No. My boyfriend is a psychopath and scares the shit out of me. Definitely not. He is my little brother, and it is just better for him not to know these things.

I do love seeing him get all protective though. He has always been like this with me even though I am 4 years older than him. Every time shit went down with the Upside Down, Dustin would always try to shield me from any kind of monster or danger that crossed our path. Especially when he brought that creepy lizard thing home and named it Dart. I kept trying to tell him that he should get rid of it but he insisted on keeping it. That damn thing ate our fucking cat!

I do love this kid so much and he always makes me laugh. He is adorable when he gets into his "protective" brother mode. I just laugh and pat his head. "Nobody did anything to me! I've just been in my head a bit. Don't worry little Dusty."

Dustin swats my hand off of him, acting like he is too cool to be shown some love from the best big sister! The nerve of this child sometimes.

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now