Chapter 11

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Y/N's Perspective

I don't know why I am surprised that Eddie is icing me out. I should have expected that. I mean at the end of the day, we hate each other. Or at least, he hates me, but I could never fully hate Eddie. I thought I was doing him a favor by turning down his advances because he obviously wasn't thinking clearly. Who knows if he was even trying to make a move on me. Maybe that is just him being friendly... Maybe. I don't know. Either way it doesn't matter.

No one ever paid attention to me until I started dating Billy. Billy is the only one who cares about me in that kind of way. I am stupid to think that anyone else would like me like that. No one ever approached me until Billy made me into someone. I need to just suck it all up and accept that Billy is the only one for me. He may not be the best, but he is mine and in his own screwed up way, he does care.

I finish fixing my hair and uniform as the cheer squad heads out of the locker room to get ready for the big game. I know Billy is nervous for this game, so I may as well wish him good luck. I know if he loses tonight, then I am in for a hellish night so I really need the team on their A game tonight.

I walk out of the locker room and see the boys warming up on the court. All of them are there and they look intense. Nothing can snap them out of their focus. However, I do not see Billy which is weird because he is the captain. Shouldn't he be leading the team? I decide to not disturb the team while they warm up and start to look around the gym for him.

I look through the crowd of students and fans and no Billy. That is weird. Maybe he is getting something out of his car. I am about to walk out of the gym when I hear a familiar deep chuckle. That is Billy's laugh. I take my hand off the door and turn around to look under the bleachers right behind me.

My blood runs cold and my heart stops. My ears are ringing as everything starts to hit me. Reality. It is finally crashing down on me. I think about the conversation I had with my brother and Steve the other night. They weren't just trying to get me to leave Billy, they were being serious. Billy is cheating on me. In front of me, I see my boyfriend shoving his tongue down one of my '"friends" throat.

Everything around me blurs and I start to black out in rage. I rush over to the two of them and pull them apart. "Billy" I yell. "Are you fucking kidding me? How long have you been cheating on me with her?" I point to my friend from the cheer squad and give her a disgusted glare. She knows I am dating Billy, but she looks proud that I caught them together.

Billy steps away from her and closer to me. "Oh, with her? Not too long. The rest of the squad, since we started dating. You didn't put out for weeks and come on I'm your first. You're not experienced. You know I need more that what you can give me. But you're the only one who gets to be my girlfriend." He reaches for my hand but I quickly pull away from him. "Come on baby, don't be mad."

Mad? I am passed mad. I am furious, fuming, enraged. All the angry emotions. He seems so confident and okay with the fact that he has been cheating on me. He acts like I should have known better. I feel so disgusted with myself. He pressured me for weeks to sleep with him, and I finally gave in. I gave him my virginity and he has just been sleeping with other girls like it is no big deal. I need to shower because I feel grimy and I need a trash can cause I am going to throw up.

He makes another attempt to touch me by stepping closer to me and wrapping his arm around my waist. Just feeling him touch me makes my skin crawl. I quickly push him off of me and before I can stop myself, I slap him as hard as I can on his left cheek. Part of me was scared that he would hit me back, but at this point I have stopped caring. I will gladly take as many hits from him as he could give if it meant I am finally away from this jack ass.

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