Chapter 10

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Eddie's Perspective

Avoiding Y/n has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. Every time I walk past her in the hallways I feel her eyes on me and I will briefly look at her to see her expression. Her eyes are filled with a sadness, but yet hope that each time I look at her I will finally break my silence and say something to her. I hate that I destroy that hope each time I look away from her and keep walking.

I am so terrified to even try and talk to her. I could care less if Billy tries to take a swing at me. I know I can handle him. Billy is a total bitch. He tries to look all mean and tough, but I know the second he gets into a real fight he will be flat on his ass in seconds. What I am worried about is him going after Y/n. Just goes to show how much of bitch Billy really is. What kind of sick mother fucker hits women? Especially a woman like Y/n. She is sweet, funny as hell, strong as can be, and damn smart. That is a perfect woman right there.

Now I am forced in a situation where I have to stay away from my dream woman to protect her. I have to resist every urge to pull her into an empty classroom, wrap my arms around her and tell her that I would never just ignore her like I am now. I have my reasons and all I want to do is protect her. She will have to understand that I am doing this to protect her.

Lunch time comes around and I am still feeling like absolute shit. I cannot focus on anything because all I can think about is a way to make her feel better. I have gone through every scenario in my head where I can try to find a way to talk to her, but all of them end in Billy finding out and beating her for my own weakness. How can I bare the idea of the woman I care deeply about being hurt just because I am too weak to stay away from her?

I am picking at the food in front of me hoping the guys do not see how distraught I really am when I hear little Henderson speak up and break the silence that has settled over the table.

"Lucas has to do his... uh... balls in laundry baskets game" he nervously laughs. I slowly look up from my food as he continues to speak. "So he's not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight." He finishes his sentence by giving me a goofy open mouth grin as I scowl at him.

I know exactly where this conversation is leading and I am not going to let this little shrimp try and take over my club. He does not have a say in who is allowed to come to the campaigns, I do. He is going to suggest someone sub for Lucas and I know exactly who is sub is going to be.

"But I know you won't want to postpone cause you work hard on this, so Mike and I thought we could bring in a sub."

Don't you fucking dare Henderson. Don't you recommend your sister. I will jump across this table and tackle your little shrimp ass to the ground if he suggests his sister.

"We know someone who knows the game like the back of their hand and could easily take down any of us... you just need to keep an open mind" Dustin continues rambling. He already knows the "no" is sitting on the tip of my tongue so this little brat is rambling thinking it will change my mind. It will not.

I told Dustin why I cannot be around his sister. He knows that if she is seen around me, she will get hurt for it. I can appreciate that he is trying to bring Y/n and I together, but I will be dammed if I let something happen to her. I have seen the bruises on her arms and it will kill me to know I contributed to more bruises showing up there.

As if God is trying to punish me, Y/n walks into the cafeteria as Dustin continues to ramble on about how good of a player this "mysterious" person is. His voice drowns out and the people around me fade away. All I see is her. I see how lost she looks as she looks around the cafeteria for a place to sit. The sadness in her eyes breaks my heart. I want to heal her of all her sadness and show her how she deserves to be treated. She deserves to be worshipped, cherished for the beautiful soul she is.

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now