Chapter 7

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Eddie's Perspective

My mind has been in utter chaos since last night. I had a civil moment with Y/n... more than just civil! It was intimate. I was in her damn bedroom and she looked so damn good. She was in that Def Leppard cut tee and short cheerleading shorts and her body was practically pressed against mine. Christ, I can still smell her sweet shampoo and I cannot get the image of her looking up at me through her dark thick eyelashes. She's fucking gorgeous.

Seeing her pull up to school today in her old clothes damn near sent me to an early grave. She was wearing my favorite band's shirt, but it was cut so I could see her tight little waist. Her jeans hugged every curve perfectly so I can see that beautifully plump ass. Christ that ass... I just want to smack it.

Everything about her is so perfect she almost doesn't even seem real. Her attitude always keeps me on my toes, her beauty never stops taking my breath away, and her brains is intimidating but still super sexy. I would say there is nothing I would change about her, but that is a lie. There is one thing I would change about her and that is her boyfriend Billy Fucking Hargrove.

I know there is something going on between us and I am absolutely crazy about her. I see the way she looks at me and I can tell she wants me too. The one thing getting in our way is that douche bag. I need to get him out of the picture. Her and I have an undeniable chemistry and we belong together. It just makes sense. When I touched her lower back this morning I felt electricity jolt through my body. I have touched a lot of girls and far more intimate places, but never got a feeling like that.

I knew my focus would be gone today, but I didn't realize how bad it was until I made it halfway through the day. Gym class was coming up and I don't think I could handle seeing Y/n in those tight shorts again. I decided to go out to my spot in the woods and unwind a little bit. Maybe enjoy a joint while I devise a plan to get my dream girl away from an abusive asshole.

As I am walking out to my spot, I hear someone else walking out in front of me. I panic for a moment thinking someone is there to crash my quiet time so I pick up the pace and start speed walking towards the footsteps. I take a massive breath of relief when I notice it is just Y/n.

That breath of relief was pretty short lived though. My heart starts hammering against my chest when I see her stop by the picnic table and I think of us actually having more alone time together. So many things could happen when we are alone together. Should I tell her how I feel? Should I try to kiss her? What do I do here?

She stops to look around and come up behind her. She must have heard me coming or something because she backs up like she is about to turn around and she bumps into me. She yelps out in fear and I quickly try to calm her down. "Woah! Woah! Hey... sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

She looks up at me wide eyed and out of breath like I just scared the life out of her. I start to feel bad for laughing a little bit and take a step closer to her. "You okay?"

She takes a step back and puts her hand over her heart. She starts to smile a bit. That smile... that earth shattering smile. My god that smile lights up my entire world. I would do anything and everything I could to see that smile all the time. I want to fall asleep next to that smile and be greeted to it every morning. I am in love with that smile.

"Christ Eddie" she lets out in a quick breath. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that! I almost slapped you in the face. I honestly still should just for scaring me like that."

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now