Chapter 9

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Y/N's Perspective

Nothing seems to be going right, but what else should I expect? I did this to myself. I made my bed and now I have to lay in it.

I pulled away from Eddie's kiss and now he wants nothing to do with me. He has been icing me out and treating me like I don't even exist. I almost liked it more when he was just being straight up rude to me. At least then he would pay attention to me.

I couldn't help but pull back when Eddie leaned into me. There were so many thoughts going through my head in that moment. I mean what the hell was he even thinking do that? I know the answer to that. HE WASN'T!

Eddie Munson wanted to kiss me? Yeah right. I know for a fact he just got caught up in the moment and thought it is what he wanted to do, but in actuality he doesn't like me. No one likes me like that except Billy.

It has been made very apparent by my current dating history, Billy. That is it. My entire high school career, I have only had one boyfriend, one guy ask me on a date, one guy show any inclination of interest in me. So this is how I know for a fact that Eddie does not like me. I am just being stupid if I try to trick myself into thinking he does.

Here is the real kicker though, I think I am starting to get some serious feelings for Eddie. It is a total bummer too. I mean could there be anyone more perfect than him? The hair, the smile, his eyes, the tattoos, and above all else that wicked sense of humor. It is impossible not to fall for that killer charm and sharp tongue.

He is everything I wish Billy is. I know for a fact he is a genuine caring guy because I see how he treats my brothers and his friends. Dustin and Mike looked like scared little sheep there first day of High School. They clung to me like I was their damn mother, and Eddie basically took them under his wing and gave them a sense of belonging. He gave them a home, a place to fit in. How fucking sweet is that?

He has also protected me from the wrath of Billy and checked on me multiple times now! He has every reason to just ignore me and walk away because I have been nothing but a total bitch, but he still tries anyway. That is just the kind of guy Eddie is. He is sweet and caring. God I would kill to have Billy act like that with me for just a day.

But alas, that's not the relationship I am destined to have. A life with Eddie Munson is not in my cards. The cards life has dealt me are looking a lot more grim. I don't get cute gestures and romance, no no. Not for this ole girl. What I get instead is verbal abuse and bruises.

Defeated. That is the best way to sum up my feeling right now. Completely and utterly defeated.

I bury my face into my pillow and choke back the tears that I feel stinging my eyes. Pathetic. Crying over a damn boy, get yourself together Y/n! You have fought demodogs, been to a creepy world right beneath your feet, hell I fought Russian spies... and this is what is going to break me, the fact that the boy I like doesn't like me back. Dumb. Damn I feel dumb.

I sit up and try to collect myself and my mental sanity when I hear someone furiously pounding on my door. I don't know why but my mind immediately goes to the cops. Have I done anything wrong? Well no, but why else would someone else be pounding on my door like that. Or maybe it is someone from the lab finally coming to take me out for all the horrible secrets I have uncovered.

No that is just as dumb as thinking Eddie likes me. It has been three years now. If they haven't come after me yet, then they probably never will. The most likely answer is that it is Dustin. He never listens to me. Despite telling him on the way home that I had a long day and I wanted to be left alone, Dustin does what Dustin wants to do.

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