Chapter 4

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Eddie's Perspective
Mature Content

Y/n lays on her back on the Hellfire campaign table completely naked in front of me. Fuck her body is perfection. I have never seen someone so beautiful and sexy. Her eyes are fixed on me as my hand runs down her body. I trace my fingers over every part of her body like I am trying to commit it to my memory.

I have to savor this moment and take it slow because Christ this is actual heaven. She is heaven. Her legs are spread like she is begging for me. Her lids hooded as she watches my fingers massage her hard nipples and her mouth open letting out sweet moans.

I need to feel her. I cannot wait any longer. "Christ Y/n! You are fucking driving me insane. I have to be inside of you"

She watches me intently while I quickly rip off my clothes. I try to hide my eagerness, but I damn near fall over trying to get my pants off.

I get everything off and step closer in between her thighs. One hand runs down the soft skin of her leg, spreading it more. I take my erection in my other hand and start to stroke myself in my hand as I start to rub the tip on her swollen clit.

FUCK! She is so fucking wet it is ridiculous! She is dripping down my shaft and it is enough to make me hit that edge right now. I pull back a bit because not only would it be humiliating if I came right now, but I want to enjoy every second of this.

She props herself up on her elbows and looks at me with begging eyes. "I need you Eddie! I can't wait any longer. All I want is to feel you."

Lord give me the strength to actually last longer than a minute with her... please! I bring the tip back to her slick folds and start rubbing it along her entrance. An involuntary groan escapes the back of my throat and forces its way out. I throw my head back and groan even louder for her.  "Since you're such a good girl, I'll give you what you want."

I hold my breath and slowly push myself in her. Christ she is so tight it is like she is choking me. It feels so fucking good. I am not even all the way in and I could already come.

I ease myself all the way in and hold myself deep in her for a moment. I want to remember this moment forever. I want her to never forget this either. I want the feeling of my dick engrained in her forever. Anytime Billy fucking Hargrove fucks her now, she will think of me and the feeling of me deep inside of her.

I finally start to move my hips and thrust in and out of her wetness. Her eyes stay on me as her nails dig into my arms. The scratches her nails leave feel so good. I want her to leave these marks on me so everyone can know that she is mine now and only I get to fuck her like this.

Her moans create this beautiful sound that fills the room. "Fuck... yes... don't stop Eddie!"

I starts to pick up the pace, slamming into her harder. I cannot hold back and go easy on her. She feels too good to just take this slow and steady, and the look on her face tells me she wants me to fuck her hard.

She looks so beautiful taking my cock like this. God damn she is fucking sexy. I cannot keep my hands off of her. My fingers gently wrap around her throat and I lean down to groan in her ear. "Whatever you need Princess. I will always make sure I please you. I can promise you I will always fuck you better than Hargrove."

God she is basically screaming for me. I cannot get enough of those fucking sounds she makes for me. I want to cause more sounds like that to come from her mouth. I want her screaming my name so the whole school hears.

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now