Chapter 8

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Eddie's Perspective

Ever since my little run in with Billy in the parking lot, I have been avoiding Y/n like the plague. There has been a few times in the hallway where we will walk past each other and I thought about pulling her into an empty classroom, but everywhere I look a goon from the jock squad is looking at me.

I guess word travels fast. Billy really was not bluffing when he said he was going to have people watching me. No matter how much I hope that I can steal her away for a second, I am not given a break. There are so many damn jocks at this school. Where are the nerds or the party kids? All I see are fucking jocks.

Having to turn away from her when she tries to smile in my direction or grab my attention is the hardest thing I have ever done. I mean I am seriously crazy about this girl and now I have to act like she doesn't exist. That is some straight up bullshit. I wish there was something I could do and know that she would still be safe if I did it.

Since I cannot think of a solution to this problem, I am just shit out of luck. I am doomed for a life of misery. It may seem like I am being a bit over dramatic, but how else am I supposed to act? I can't even talk to the girl I like! I can't even acknowledge her damn existence.

I have to just keep telling myself that this will be hard at first, but I will get through it. I have to believe that everything will work out for the better and when she does finally decide to leave Billy everything will fall into place. For now I have to keep my distance.

Keeping my distance though is going to hard to do. I look up from my table while I am eating to see Y/m walking into the cafeteria desperately looking around for a place to sit. I notice how she looks over to the jock table and rolls her eyes then over to my table.

Shit! Please don't come over here. Please! I am going to have to shoo her away and be a dick to her and that is the last thing I want to do. Sure it was easy to be mean to her when I didn't pay much attention to her situation, but now I know shit. I know what is going on with Billy and how he basically manipulates her into staying with him.

My eyes never leave her as she walks over towards the hellfire table. Great... I'm fucked. I look behind her and see everyone at the jock table staring at me. I'm double fucked. This is like catastrophic I'm fucked. I have to be a dick to her. I have no other option here.

I thought at least she would sit down next to Dustin, but she takes the seat next to me instead. I stand corrected, I am mega fucked. I see the jocks at their table all whispering to each other and my anxiety skyrockets to unsafe levels.

She leans over and speaks softly to me. "Eddie look I didn't mean to... I didn't want to upset you. I got all in my head. That doesn't change anything though. I still want to-"

It doesn't change anything? So she feels what I felt when we were out in the woods together. I knew she felt it. Christ this makes it even harder for me to do because I know she is starting to warm up to me. She is opening up to me and starting to become herself again and I have to shut it all down. I HATE EVERYTHING!

What I want to say to her, I know that asshole got into your head and he has ruined all your confidence, but I am here to build it back up for you Princess because you are the most important and beautiful person I know. I know you are not ready right now and you are working through things. Let me help you work them with you. I will wait a lifetime for you as long as I get to be with you.

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now