Chapter 12

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Eddie's Perspective

I think I actually heard angels singing when Y/n said that her and Billy broke up. Look, I may be a musician, but I am not a poetic dude. But I was having some pretty poetic thoughts when I heard those words leave her mouth. Like the sky finally cleared and it was nothing but clear blue skies and crisp warm breezes. Yeah, that kind of poetic. Because now is my chance. Billy is out of the picture and he doesn't have the power over her anymore. She is single, but I will change that.

I spent the entire campaign trying to impress her. Understandably, she has been pretty cold and distant towards me. She keeps rolling her eyes at me and refuses to look at me longer than a few seconds, but I can work with this. I can lay on the Munson charm and really sweep her off her feet. I know she is into me and I am crazy about her. All the bullshit that happened before, well that is the past. It is time to move on to the future, our future.

The guys are all surrounding Y/n, celebrating her big victory against me. I usually don't like getting defeated in my campaigns, but hell if it is Y/n doing it, I cannot say that I mind too much. The look on her face when she rolled that critical hit was priceless. It will forever be imprinted in the back of my mind for pretty much the remainder of my life and I am cool with that. She looked so happy and so sure of herself. I was seeing the girl I first started crushing on all those years ago.

When I pulled her back from the guys to get her attention, I was once again met with that fierce attitude showing me that she is still very angry with me. I was feeling a little worried that she may never forgive me for a moment, but I couldn't stop trying and I sure as hell couldn't show her that I was getting a little worried.

I keep myself calm and cool as I take a step closer to her. My voice is clear and confident when I keep my eyes on her and address the rest of the club. "Gentlemen, that is all for tonight. Could you all give me a moment alone with our new member?"

Inside I am a trembling mess. Right now I am kind of expecting the worst. Y/n has every right to slap me in my face and stomp off. I am praying to whatever God is out there that she will stay and hear me out, but it all depends on how stubborn she is feeling tonight.

The guys all turn around and watch Dustin. Dustin himself is trying to figure out whether or not he should leave me alone with his sister. Again, I understand why. I know Dustin is aware of the situation I got myself into with Billy, but that doesn't change the fact that I treated his sister like shit.

His eyes bounce between Y/n and I as he contemplates his next move. He lets out a defeated sigh. "Just be nice to my sister, alright? We don't need any more problems." I nod at Dustin and he turns his attention to his sister. "Y/n, I'll be waiting out by the car."

Just like that, the boys file out of the room. I hold my breath watching the last of them leave the room. This is it. Do or die. She hasn't left the room yet, but the night is still young and she probably would want to get a good hit in before she storms out. Fuck... I am so damn scared and I do not know if I am hiding it that well.

I feel like I am about to collapse from nerves, so I opt to take a seat in my throne. This dramatic display is my comfort right now. As I take my seat, I slowly look up at her to see her staring daggers at me. Her arms are crossed over her chest and her foot taps impatiently on the cheap linoleum floor. Even pissed, she is fucking beautiful.

"So, Princess," I clear my dry throat and put on my best fake smug ass look. "Are you still mad at me or can we talk about how impressive you were?"

She rolls her eyes before checking her nails acting like I am not sitting right here and talking to her. "Hm" she brings her eyes back to me and hums in a fake surprised tone. "Oh sorry, were you talking to me? I wouldn't know cause you have been avoiding me the past few days!"

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now