Chapter 5

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Y/N's Perspective

I can already tell this entire week is going to suck. I have Billy being a mega asshole... I mean he is always an asshole, but now more than ever because he is stressed about that dumb game Friday and now I have all these weird feelings going on with Eddie. I have no clue what they mean but they are getting me all out of sorts.

Billy was a major ass in the parking lot this morning and he was about to kick Steve in the gut. Billy has always had this weird thing with Steve, so the second I saw Steve try to step to Billy, I knew shit was going to go down. I defended my best friend the only way I knew how, the art of distraction. I didn't want to but I kissed Billy.

Then Eddie sees Billy yelling at me in the school parking lot and Eddie felt the need to come over and check on me. What the hell is that all about? The dude could give two shits about me so why is he trying to play it off like he is some knight and shining armor running to save the day. I was just so damn mortified that he saw me just standing there like as lost puppy as Billy abused me. I was ashamed... so I shooed him away.

Of course I did not want to shoo him away. In reality I wanted to throw my arms over him and hug him as I sobbed over my abysmal love life and my shitty taste in guys, but like I said, he doesn't give a fuck about me.

Of course he got all bent out of shape about me telling him to leave me alone, again I do not understand why, so I was just left alone in the parking lot reeling over everything that has transpired over the course of the day. Needless to say it has been a pretty shitty day and it isn't even lunch yet.

I tried to hide from Billy the first half of the day. In the hallways, rushing in between classes, I would find the tallest person I could get behind and use them as a shield. It worked for the most part. Dustin caught me once and he was wondering why I was on some random football player's tail, but hey, gotta do what you gotta do.

Of course all my hard work of avoiding Billy was a complete waster of time because when lunch time did roll around, I had no where else to sit but with Billy and the other cheerleaders and basketball players.

Sitting with them is absolutely miserable and Billy is not making it any better. He keeps grabbing my ass and thighs, trying to pull me out of my seat and into his lap. His cold firm lips keep coming down to my neck and it sends shivers down my spine... and not the good kind. The kind where I feel gross and I want to leap out of my skin.

"Come on babe" Billy begs trying to sound sweet and seductive. "We will make it quick. You honestly owe me after how you acted earlier."

Everyone else at the table tries not too look at us, but I can see them making quick glances our way. Jason has a stupid smirk on his face. The creep looks like he enjoys watching us like this.

I keep swatting Billy's hands away and pushing him back away from. He is making me so uncomfortable and having people look at us is only making it worse. "I owe you? You got mad at me for no reason! I'm not doing that here Billy."

"You were being a bitch so I got mad" Billy says so confidently. He acts like he just said the most casual thing. "But you can make it up to me now. Come on, we can go behind the bleachers where it's private. You love getting on your knees for me and you do it so well."

I cannot believe my ears right now! One second he is calling me a bitch and now he is asking for head in the same breath basically! The nerve of this guy. I do not know why I fell for this shit in the first place. I make one final big push to get him off of me.

A Match Made in Hellfire | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now