Chapter 10 : "Mutual Aggression"

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You stared at ace in annoyance 'i fucking knew it' you thought rolling your eyes and back to cleaning "Pfft... Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right?" ace said as he laugh "The one summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't even use magic, and the monster no on summoned at all it took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!" he continued as he even laugh harder "H-hey! You don't gotta be a jerk about it!" grim said his ears lowering a bit "So in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now you're janitors? Ah ha ha! SO lame!" ace said 'oh hell no' you thought no one insults someone just because they are a janitor "What did you just call me?!" grim said getting more angry "And you're both so clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten? Ah ha ha ha ha!" he said as he continue to laugh 'well i'm fucking sorry that i got transported at a different world' you thought

As much as you want to punch ace you can't i mean you can but you won't because one you need a reputation of the 'cute and innocent girl that needs to be protected and can't do anythight wrong' so you can get charm people to getting you anything and two you can get trouble, no no no you need to play your cards right

Grim let out a small growl obviously upset as his tails swish a bit as you stayed quiet "Anyway, just thought I'd tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It's been a blast! Unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I'll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!" ace said as he walks away but grim was having none of it "Myuh-uh! You ain't walkin' away from me! It's too late for that! Myaaaaah!" grim said as he shoots ace with his fire which he ace dodge "No one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire! I'm gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again!" grim said as he fires more fire at ace "Explodey-head?! You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts , You wanna talk hair, huh? I'm gonna shave you like a toy poodle!" ace said as he grabs a pen with a gemstone on top of it as a gust of wind suddenly blew grim's fire

" Oh-ho! How do you like that?" Ace said cockily as he grins at grim "H-hey! His magic winds are blowin' my fireballs off course! No fair!" Grim whined stomping his feet in the air as he shots more fire at ace which ace blew away with wind

"What's going on over there? A fight?!"

"Oh, sweet! Get 'em!"

'shit god fucking damn it grim! Fuck ou ace!' you mentally screamed at your head as more students starts to watch the fight Let's all take this down a notch!" You yelled at the two hoping at least one of them would listen "Awww... Can't hit me with your little" ace said as he taunted grim and ignoring you "Grrr... You better believe I'm about to!" Grim growled back at ace as he tooks in a deep breath before a huge blue fire ball appears Infront of grim

"Take that!" Grim said as he fires the massive blue fire ball at ace which he simply avoided using wind "Pfft. All it takes is a little gust to- Hah!" ace was cut off by one of the Statues becoming lit on fir "Oh no! Now the Queen of Hearts's statue looks like it's been flame-broiled!" He said in a panic and scared tone "That's your fault for tryin' to divert it! You shoulda just let it burn you to a crisp!" Grim said as he points his paw at ace which causes him to look at grim in shock "Who in their right mind would ever do that?!" He said as he stumbles his words "What is going on here? Cease this at once!" A familiar voice said all of the students including you and grim turned around to the a very angry headmage

"Oh no! The headmage!" Ace said as he flinch back a bit "Not more lashings of love! We gotta get outta here!" Grim said as he tries to float away but the headmage caught him with his whip including ace "OW!" "Myaaaaah! And I'm still sore from yesterday, too!" The two whined out as they squirm around the whip "As if the likes of you could ever flee from me! Haaah... Did I not just warn you, "no more incidents"? And now you've charred one of my statues?! It's almost as though you WANT to be expelled!" The headmage said as he scolded the two "No! Forgive me!" Ace said as the headmage turn to you "And you, [MC]. You were specifically told to keep Grim under control!" the headmage said

'ok tears time to shine!' you thought as you bow your head with tears prickling at the corner of your eyes as you let out small sniffles "I tried to stop him, but..." you trailed off as you show the headmage the burn scar that you purposely burned earlier without anyone paying attention to you "B-but I got burned in the process i-im so sorry headmage" you said as the headmage looks at the students who were watching "Is that true?" He ask the other students but before they can answer you turn your head to them tilting your head a bit before batting your eyelashes making them blush

"Y-yeah headmage!" "They should be punished for hurting someone!" "Agree!" The other students said "Very well then, you! State your name and grade" the headmage said as he points his finger at ace "Ace Trappola... Freshman" he grumbles looking down "Then listen well, Trappola. You too, Grim, As punishment for today's infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!" The headmage said his voice loud and clear and turning to you in a soft and gentle tone "And [Name] can you supervise the two after you get your burns heal?" He said as he gently pats your head as you nodded "Shhh... Shh... I know I know those burn marks hurt but wait a little longer ok?" He said gently wiping your tears making sure his talons don't scratch you "Myah?!
That's what you get for makin' fun of me! This is all your fault!" Grim said as he glares at ace "And also why does [Name] doesn't get to clean!? She got involved too you know!" Grim complains "Can't you the poor girl is in tears because of your actions grim!" The headmage said he pauses as he gently put a hand on your shoulder "You will meet in the cafeteria after class. Are we clear?" The Headmage said as he glares at the two "Yes sir" ace grumbles as the Headmage unties them and gently leading you to the nurse office

"Ugh, I just can't catch a break!"



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