002. short lilia imagine

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Enemies to lovers where you constantly fight with General Lilia Vanrouge on the front lines and then one day you both just have enough, yelling at each other and then somehow you end up with his lips on yours, pouring all his frustration and the emotions he can't show on the battlefield into the kiss. His words are cold and distant but you can feel his expression soften when he looks at you. He doesn't want you to notice so he just keeps distracting you with his kisses. Imagine burying your fingers in his long hair and he nibbles at your lip gently with his little fae fangs. He has his back pressed against a tree with his legs wrapped around your waist and you can feel him sighing into the kiss. For just a moment he doesn't have to be the general anymore, now that he's away from all eyes but yours. He's still confused about how he feels but he's locked his emotions deep inside his heart below his armor because there's no place for them on the battlefield. Every kiss has him yearning for another because for months, maybe even years on end he's only known wounds and pain. You separate your lips from him to take a breath and he's almost instinctively trying to pull you into another kiss. He's touch-starved and lonely and angry and so terribly confused. Baul calls out for him to discuss the strategy for the coming day, unaware of how much the fearsome general just let his guard down in the shadow of the trees in a desperate attempt to feel something other than whatever cold emotions war brought along. He doesn't leave without pressing a kiss to your forehead, softer than all the previous ones and he returns to his cold expression and leaves without a word but you can't help but feel like this is the start of something troublesome.

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