007. with an asexual s/o [malleus]

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• He's like,,,, so confused when you explain this to him because he's like "Is it that extraordinary?"

• He knows about humans' biology but I don't think he's aware how prevalent of a topic sex is in human society. I headcanon it's very different for fae since their population seems smaller than humans and they also live for like, a thousand years or more and don't usually get many children so I feel like for them asexuality is kinda the default. Fae are ace icons.

• When he finds out how sex is literally everywhere, in the media etc. he just puts a finger to his chin and goes "I didn't know about this, how interesting."

• He has questions now, prepare to answer all of them. Malleus wants to learn more about the humans because he doesn't understand them. Expect to circle back to the topic of your asexuality and your personal experience after about 3 hours of Malleus dissecting human society under a metaphorical microscope.

• Has heard people say "That person is so hot" before and he looks at you and very seriously explains "I was under the impression the humans were discussing the bodily temperature of another individual and I was wondering how they were able to detect thermal irregularities from several meters distance, I never would have expected it to have this meaning."

• When you tell him that some people are judgemental towards aces and think they're broken he's like "What? Why?" He doesn't understand why this would bother anyone.

• You explain to him that you were worried at first whether he'd still want to date you and how it may be difficult for a lot of asexuals to find a partner and Malleus is like "You'll never have to fear being lonely as long as we're together." He takes your hands in his, looks into your eyes and swears to you that he loves you with all his heart and that you're everything he could have hoped for in a significant other. It sounds like half a marriage proposal and he's very insistent about this.

• And he talks about how if anyone ever bothers you or is mean to you because of your asexuality "they will meet his flame". You pat his hand and return his gaze and tell him "Malleus I think you should tone it down a little with the fire". He nods. "How much fire is appropriate in this situation?" "No- When I said less fire, I meant no fire at all. Trust me, I think looking at them angrily will do already."

• HE IS SO HAPPY WHEN YOU TELL HIM DRAGONS ARE AN ACE SYMBOL! He's like "I'm a dragon" and you just chuckle like "I know, sunshine, I know." He's super proud, other people have dragon stickers and necklaces and you have an actual dragon. Will still buy you dragon stickers and necklaces tho. Also he gives you his second GaoGao Dragon-kun but that's a given.

• Inquires what other things are part of ace culture and he's up for baking garlic bread and cake with you. He doesn't like whole cakes but if he can share it with you and the dorm students he's happy!Thinks it's very cool that you have your own flag. He likes the colors and he asks what they stand for.

• Basically he can drag this conversation on for 5 hours, all while having you wrapped in his arms if you want to. He occasionally presses a kiss to your forehead and looks into your eyes with a loving expression.

• Doesn't get the point of pride month at first, he thinks the idea is to show you that he's proud of you specifically. Which he does. Once you clear up the misunderstanding, he's like "Well can I still celebrate your existence for a whole month?" You just chuckle and tell him to go ahead if he wants to. "Can we invite the whole school?" "Malleus-"

• Silver ends up thinking you're some sort of powerful cryptid because Malleus once told him "y/n exists unbothered by the flesh vessels of the mortals" and he gave zero context to this. He now low-key has the impression you don't need to eat or sleep and your true form is not material.

• Malleus is the kind of man who brings you rare gem stones and paintings in ace colors.

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