013. dancing with him [malleus]

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Song: Belle Epoque • Frostudio Chambersonic

• Everyone was getting ready to celebrate the marriage of Princess Eliza and Puffy but you noticed someone was missing from the festivities. Malleus couldn't previously participate in the plan to rescue Idia, but now that no one needed him to pretend to be a willing groom anymore, he might as well join in on the celebration.

• You asked Lilia whether it would be possible for Malleus to come too. The older fae smiled at you happily, stating that Malleus will surely be glad about your invitation and disappeared.

• You even tried to hold off the festivities for a little longer because Lilia needed some time to find the fae prince you were looking forward to seeing.

• But when Malleus walked into the cafeteria; dressed in a beautiful black suit; you were awestruck. He smiled at you from across the room as he made his way toward you, all eyes fixed on him. Eliza was worried someone was disrupting her wedding again, but you managed to calm her down, stating it was a guest you had invited. Malleus was meanwhile standing next to you, greeting the ghost bride and her groom politely. Instead of asking Malleus though, Eliza turned to you to ask whether you were royalty. You looked at Malleus and winked. "Not yet", you said.

• Cue a very angry Sebek in the background wanting to walk over to you and scold you how you could insinuate you would marry Crown Prince Malleus of Briar Valley, but the latter just chuckled at your boldness.

• "Thank you for the invitation. I truly am grateful", he gave you a polite nod, "how may I express my gratitude to you?" You chuckled and held out your hand to him. "How about a dance?", you suggested and he looked at you surprised. "My my, how brave you are", he joked and laughed.

• He lets you lead him to the dancefloor and everyone is mumbling about how this dark intimidating fae prince was dancing with you.

• Sebek is having a crisis again because they spent all this time keeping Malleus away from this wedding so there wouldn't be any rumors about him proposing to someone and here people were, discussing about whether Malleus had chosen you to be his partner.

• Malleus himself paid no mind to them, he was just having fun dancing with you. It felt magical. I mean, you were dancing with your fairytale prince after all. You affectionately held his cheek and he leaned into your touch.

• Malleus loved holding you this close to him. He couldn't describe the feeling he was experiencing yet, but he didn't want it to end. He wanted to keep you close to him.

• He literally tells you this was one of his favorite experiences ever since coming to this school and asks you if you want to go outside with him to take a walk.

• Imagine the faces of people upon seeing you dance with Malleus and then immediately leave the room on his arm.

• Outside he asks you whether he could hold you close again. You're surprised but when you let him, he holds you gently and nuzzles your cheek. He's very affectionate and he will keep holding you if you don't tell him to stop. He's currently trying to figure out why you make him feel the way you do.

• He presses a kiss onto your forehead when parting from you and tells you you're so important to him ♥️

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