014. amusement park date [malleus]

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• Now, before you two go on this trip, Malleus actually has no idea what an amusement park is and even after the explanation he can't really imagine it before he sees it and let me tell you, it's one of the most fascinating experiences of his life.

• You buy him cotton candy and he's so surprised at the texture of it but he loves it. It's one of his favorite foods now.Just imagine how cute he'd look with a surprised facial expression and repeatedly putting cotton candy in his mouth.

• He's staring at everything with his surprised Malleus face™ and he asks you like, a million questions. "What is this? What is its purpose? Why do people scream on the rollercoaster? Why does the park want money from me for using the toilet?"

• Doesn't really get the rollercoaster. Or the haunted house. He isn't scared of the haunted house at all because of how powerful he is and he's used to the feeling of flying so the coaster and the chairoplane don't really do anything for him.

• Loves the water coaster though. Splashes you with the water and tells you your facial expression is cute. He presses a kiss to your cheek and tells you he could make a tornado with his magic on the water. You cup his cheeks and softly whisper "don't."

• There's one coaster that's indoors and completely in the dark and he makes fireflies appear around you to impress you. It's really beautiful.

• Doesn't really get the love tunnel but is convinced he has to show you all his love and affection so he just kisses you for the whole ride and holds you close.

• Also gets a shirt of the amusement park at the souvenir shop. Really just loves unique, colorful shirts from different places he's been at.

• Likes the songs they play at the amusement park and you show him that you can use your phone to find out what the song is. You might compile them on a playlist for him.

• There's a dragon on the Merry-go-round that looks similar to his GaoGao Dragon-kun, so he wants to try it out. Just imagine this 2m tall man of on a Merry-go-round with a bunch of children.

• Takes some photos with a polaroid camera so he can show them to Lilia later.

• Marvels at all the street food they sell at different parts of the park. Wants to try a lot of them. He makes a mental note to ask you to find a recipe for his favorite ones online so you two can make them together.

• This was the most fun day he's had in a long long time. Everything was so new and exciting and he was glad to get to experience it with you. You were both basically glowing with happiness and he's clinging to you for the rest of the day

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