009. basorexia [malleus]

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Everything about him was simply breathtaking. Most of Night Raven College seemed to be afraid of the crown prince of Briar Valley, yet the more time you spent around him, the more drawn you were to him. You couldn't even place your finger on all the things that made you fall for him. Maybe it was how passionately he talked about his interests or the way he seemed to find beauty in almost everything or how kind he was to you despite his intimidating presence.

Malleus Draconia brought a smile to your face every single time you met him. You would look at him from the side and wanted to do nothing more than to pull him close, press your lips onto his own and ask him to be yours; preferably forever. You were sitting on the little couch in front of his bed and he was going on a tangent about gargoyles again and there was a gleam in his eyes whenever you'd ask him a question about them. You weren't always listening intently or understood everything that he told you. Yet you could listen to his voice for hours and seeing him happy made your day. If only he knew how much you wanted to be with him.

Lost in thought you caught yourself brushing a strand of his hair behind his fae ear. Malleus' ear twitched slightly and he turned to you with a questioning expression, before smirking at you. "You seem to have no fear touching me. Very good. I don't mind." You chuckled and your eyes wandered to his lips.

You imagined how soft they'd be, placed upon your own. Wondered whether the longing for his love would stop once you'd finally kiss him until you both were breathless. Or whether it would get worse. You could hardly put the love you felt in words, so pouring your feelings into a kiss seemed like the only way to let him know just how much he meant to you.

Malleus raised his eyebrows. "Is something the matter, y/n?", he asked. You stared into his beautiful green eyes and you didn't know how you'd last another day without telling him how you felt. "Malleus?", your cheeks were growing warm and you ran your fingers through his hair again. "Hmm?", he smiled at you and leaned into your touch. "May I- I can, I mean- Can I...", you stuttered and Malleus' expression became more confused by the second, "Would you mind if I kissed you?"

Your question was more of a whisper and Malleus' eyes widened as he took a moment to process what you just said. Then he looked at you with such a soft, caring smile. "I wouldn't mind that at all", he confirmed and your heart was beating out of your chest. You leaned closer to him and your lips finally met his. They were as soft as you imagined them to be. And he was warm. It was like, for a moment, everything was perfect. You pulled him closer and wrapped your arms around him. After a few careful pecks followed a more passionate but slow kiss. Malleus let out a happy sigh and leaned his forehead against yours after the kiss had ended. He had a calm and content smile on his face and his eyes were still closed. "I love you, y/n"

You let out a happy laugh and gave him more pecks to his lips. "I love you too. So much." He pulled you into another passionate kiss, your arms tightly wrapped around each other as his tongue gently caressed yours.

"Oh my, how am I going to explain this to her majesty, the queen", your kiss got disrupted by Lilia smirking whilst standing in the doorframe, "ah....young love". And with that he left again, not wanting to interrupt you. "Should we talk to him about this?", Malleus questioned. "Eh, we'll worry about him later", you shrugged and grinned, giving him another kiss.

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