012. eating instant ramen at 2am with him [malleus]

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• Malleus doesn't even know what instant noodles are.

• Baffled. Perplexed. Fascinated. His mind is blown.

• Malleus barely even sleeps so when he notices you waking up in his arms he'll press his lips to yours to wake you with a soft kiss.

• You two hadn't eaten much for dinner because it was Lilias cooking. You explain to him that you're hungry and feel like eating a cup of instant ramen and he's like "What is instant ramen?"

• Congratulations, you just opened an entirely new can of worms.

• You tell him it'd be easier to just show him and lead him to the kitchen. Malleus holds your hand all the way and he's curious what you're going to show him.

• He watches you silently as you take the cups from the shelves, boil water, pour the boiling water onto the noodles and stir. He's so intrigued. It's like that time he first took a car at Scalding Sands, he's just silent and looks at you with his surprised Malleus face™.

• Convinced this is similar to witchcraft and potion-making and you don't have the heart to tell him that it's cheap, questionable industrial production.

• He will go on and on about how incredible it is that you can prepare a meal like this and can't wait to try it out.

• Genuinely loves the cup noodles and comments on how tasty they are.

• When he learns there are different kinds he definitely wants to try them. Also wants a second cup of noodles right then and there because there wasn't much in his compared to how much Malleus usually eats. And how could you say no to his cute surprised face?

• You can't help but chuckle at how confused and fascinated he is by this.

• He asks you whether you're enjoying your meal like you're at a 5 star restaurant and says this completely unironically.

• He also treasures if you just talk to him about whatever crosses your mind while eating the noodles. He appreciates the casual atmosphere and holds your hand.Instant noodles actually become one of his favorite foods and Sebek has half a heart attack when he finds out you made instant ramen of all things for the great Prince Malleus of Briar Valley.

• Meanwhile Malleus is just pouting when he's told how unhealthy they are. He's an overpowered near-immortal dragon fae, this isn't gonna hurt him. Sebek doesn't comment on this afterwards. He respects Wakasamas decision.

• Lilia is very amused by this. He's pleased that Malleus is discovering something so simple and human for himself.

• Malleus wonders whether Lilia would be able to make instant ramen or whether it would just taste like his usual food.

• He also mails them to his grandma at some point.

• Definitely buys them more often now.

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