004. love languages

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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation

Malleus is one of the most verbally affectionate people in the cast. He may not be as in tune with his own emotions, but once he's aware of his feelings for you, he knows well to put them into words. He has this old-fashioned, sometimes almost poetic way of speaking and he doesn't even need to try very hard to make your heart beat faster. Like, just look at his lines in canon. "You're not afraid of me but I'm starting to become afraid...of losing you".....once you're dating him it's this x5. He'll take your hands into his and tell you that you make his heart flutter and that he wants nothing more but to spend the rest of his long, long life with you. He notices all the little things about you that he finds beautiful and he doesn't hesitate to tell you.

Malleus loves being on the receiving end of compliments as well. It boosts his mood instantly to have you gush over him or go on a tangent about how much you adore him. Malleus sucks up compliments and affection like a sponge. He'll have the softest smile on his face when you cup his face and tell him he means the world to you. He takes your hand into his and presses soft appreciative kisses to your knuckles. Malleus is whipped for you and the second your relationship is no longer a secret everyone will notice.

╰┈➤ Quality Time

Malleus loves spending time with you. Quality Time with him is the foundation of your relationship and the whole reason you even got this far with him. After centuries of being alone, Malleus adores having someone who will just ask him to hang out with them like it's second nature and he won't hesitate to seek you out either when he has an idea for how to spend your day together. This goes without saying but Malleus would love to take you on long nightly walks under the stars and hold your hand; exploring his favorite ruins and explaining every gargoyle he sees to you. You expressing interest in him and listening to his words with your utmost attention was what touched his heart first and it never fails to make him grateful for your presence in his life. Malleus is also up for almost any date ideas you bring to the table. He has much to explore about this world and what better way to do this than with the person he loves? He's curious and attentive. As your lover it's self-evident for him to learn more about your hobbies and engage with you in the things you're passionate about. His interest in your life is nothing half-hearted and you can bet he's getting just as excited as you about the things that matter to you.

╰┈➤ Gifts

Malleus likes to give you gifts as well. It's custom for dragon fae to give their lover prized possessions such as gemstones and jewelry, but Malleus has a very different understanding of what a valuable gift is than most fae engaging in this method of courting. So you'll get expensive jewels alongside a photo of his favorite gargoyle and a broken chandelier he found in an abandoned building. Sometimes you don't really know what to do with the gifts he gives you but he insists that once you become his consort you can have your own dragon hoard and just put everything there.

He treasures every gift you give him as well, no matter what it is. But he is especially weak for gifts where he can tell that you put a lot of thought into it. Something personal, adjusted to his interests. A modern book about gargoyles or a beautiful ice cream cup. He'll thank you and press a kiss to your lips gently, reminding you that he loves you and that you're the greatest gift he could ask for.

╰┈➤ Acts of Service

Don't let him. At least not in the beginning of the relationship when he's not as attuned to your needs yet. Because we know how Malleus trying to do things for other people usually turns out...acts of service from this man could be anything from a mild inconvenience to a magical safety hazard. He has the best intentions but the worst approaches.

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