010. joining him in the hot springs [lilia]

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set during tamashina-mina event

• Lilia comes out of the changing rooms wearing the vacation shirt Malleus got him from Scalding Sands, a beach hat and a pair of star-shaped sunglasses.

• Vil has to really bite his tongue to not comment on how Lilia's choice of outfit has hurt him in his soul. His swimming trunks are in a shade of pink that does not work at all with the orange shirt and there's a bat pattern on it.

• You don't know how he did it but he enters the secluded hot spring that only members of the royal family have access to with a tray of mocktails on it. He insists that he prepared them himself and that he's "quite good at making them". Knowing his cooking skills, you're not taking any chances. The others how ever? You'll never forget the face Kalim made when he took a sip from Lilia's homemade fruity drink. "Lilia...haha...what exactly did you put in this?", Kalim asks with a forced smile. "I made them to match your personalities", Lilia claps his hands with a joyful expression, "yours, Kalim, has orange, mango, chocolate and mashed chicken nuggets in it." Kalim sighs. "Hmm, I think the chicken nuggets were a bit much..."

• "The fuck's in mine?", Leona asks, not having drank even a sip from his, "it looks awfully see-through." Lilia smirked. "Water, chili powder, a lot of salt and four shots of whiskey", he explains. Leona pushes the "drink" far far away from him.

• Lilia joins you in the hot springs not soon after and wraps an arm around your shoulder, letting you rest against his chest. He starts recalling times of war when he went to the hot springs to try and rest his bones as well as clean his wounds. He gives a very detailed description of the incident and Kalim starts crying.

• Lilia would give you a massage and also let you massage his shoulders. He'd spend his time with you talking about everything you've seen on your trip so far now that you have some quiet time without a new experience waiting just around the corner. It's the perfect time for him to aquire how you liked your trip so far, what were the best parts for you and tell you some stories about his travels in the past. Lilia enjoys the peaceful atmosphere the hot springs create. "It's one of the best places to talk about one's worries or simply relax", he says with a smile on his face.

• Lets you wash his hair while he leans back against you with a satisfied expression. Loves the feeling of your fingers against his scalp. "This was a truly relaxing experience", he rejoices after exiting the hot spring, holding your hand in his, "I'll remember this for a long time, my love." He gives you a kiss to the cheek.

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