[Y/n] [L/n], the Ice Queen

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[I bet everyone has a side that they don't want to show to the world.]

"Oh my god! It's [L/n]! She's so intimidating up close..."

"Yeah, she really is..."

The girl with the [hair color] hair walked through the halls, hands in her pockets. As per usual, everything about her day was normal. Yet, the whispers from the other students whisked around her head and into her ears, quiet enough to notice--not to understand.

Why are they even whispering?

It wasn't if [Y/n] herself couldn't hear them. For those nosy and gossip-loving classmates of hers, they were poor at hiding who they were conversing about. But, acknowledging them would only hinder her smooth running morning. Even if she did try to intervene, it's not like they would really stop their whispering anyways. So, she opted put some earbuds in and listen to some of her favorite music, wanting to get rid of the annoying sound of them instead.

Getting to her seat before the bell rang, she promptly placed her stuff on her desk, legs crossed, posture slouched, and hands still in her pockets. Although she found the tranquility of the boredom nice, the morning had nonetheless been a pretty uneventful one. Though, she couldn't complain. Uneventful mornings meant that there was peace in her life.

And peace meant things were going to be alright.

[The same goes for me too.]

"Oh wow, she really hates everyone, huh? She's always glaring."

"Yeah, but it's kinda hot! She's smart, intelligent, and serious, don't you think? It makes me want to melt that ice around her..."

[Y/n] ignored those strange words from one male student's conversation, deciding that it would be more important to finish that lackluster assignment her chemistry teacher had assigned to the class. Speaking of, why did her chemistry teacher give them so much homework? If she wasn't annoyed from the mountain-load of assignments getting thrown in her face, then she was definitely annoyed now.

A small clank on the floor diverted her attention from her homework and she watched a small, thin pencil rolling across the floor. Based on the closeness between the pencil and another girl's feet, she noticed that her classmate had dropped a pencil on the ground. She stared at her for a minute, wondering if she had noticed her pencil falling. However, by the way she was talking so animatedly with her friends, it was a waste of time to look and wonder any little longer.

[Y/n] stood up from her seat and walked near the girl and her friends. The girl's talking began to quietly to die down when she had noticed an ominous presence behind her, one that she had always been told to be weary of. Cold, dark, and carefully picking up the pencil from the floor, [Y/n] held it out to the girl in front of her.

"Here. Take it." [Y/n] said, almost sounding like an order.

The other girl found this to be terrifying. With a quick bow and mutter of a "thank you", she snatched her pencil out from [Y/n]'s fingertips like she had been struck with lightning.

[Y/n] stared at her for another second before nodding and going back to her seat to finish homework. Behind her, the girl breathed out a sigh of relief to her friends, thankful that [Y/n] spared her life that day. Any longer and the girl would have pissed her pants from the Ice Queen's "omnipotent orders".

But why was she scared?

"She could have beat me up after all!" She muttered to her friends, "I might have escaped death!" She laughed as if it were a joke now that [Y/n] wasn't looking.

Caramel Sweetness [Miyamura x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now