Miyamura meets the [L/n]'s

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On Saturday, just fifteen minutes before the afternoon, Miyamura arrived at the address [Y/n] had written on his worksheet. The walk wasn't very far, and much to Miyamura's surprise, the address that [Y/n] had given him was actually very close to his own house.

Like... really really close.

Who would have guessed that [L/n] and I live on the same block? I've never even seen her even in passing. How could I have never noticed?

Miyamura wanted to pass away from how close [Y/n] had lived to him. Never in a million years did he expect it, even worse the fact that he never knew.

Has [L/n] always lived here?

He wondered internally as he was walking to the front door of the house.

The house that [Y/n] lived in was quite nice. It was a standard Japanese styled house with red roofs and white walls, with a nice front patio. There weren't many things on the front lawn, but there was a cute looking garden that had some strawberry buds growing out from it. Overall, the house looked quite cozy and warm.

Again, he would have never expected [Y/n] to live here.

Miyamura knocked on the door as soon as he had been faced to it. When he did, he didn't get an immediate response. That was fine though, maybe [Y/n] needed to get something real quick. So, Miyamura stood there, albeit a little awkwardly, and waited for a good minute. He was only met with a running silence however.

Hm. I wonder what [L/n] is doing.

Miyamura knocked on the door again and waited for another minute. He shuffled on his feet, hoping that he didn't look weird to any passing neighbors. Much to his demise, he was met with another silence. To make sure he wasn't early or too late, he checked the time again on his phone.

Where is she? It's 12pm now, that is the time we agreed to meet, right?

It wasn't a lie to say that Miyamura wasn't getting a little anxious. Did he possibly stop at the wrong house? Well, that would be an issue... or would [Y/n] really play a mean prank like this? Was she that kind of person?

If she was, she definitely didn't look like the type.

Miyamura checked the numbers on the address and the note in which he copied [Y/n]'s address from the worksheet she wrote on.

Nope, it's the same numbers. He thought, trying to calm down his nerves.

Was there a chance that [Y/n] could have maybe made a mistake in her address? He didn't have the girl's number, but maybe he should have asked her for it...

Miyamura was about to try to knock on the door one last time. If nobody answered he would give up.

Hopefully someone will answer.

However, Miyamura instantly regretted that thought when someone finally opened the door.

Maybe he should have declined the invitation, because right now, he was scared shit-less.

Dangerous [eye color] eyes bore into his blue ones, almost glowing with fury. The guy was the scariest person poor Miyamura had ever seen in his life. He had striking black hair, way darker than Miyamura's own, with a piercing white underlayer color. He was tall and from what Miyamura could see, very muscular as well. Also, this male seemed to be a good one and a half heads taller than Miyamura. If he wasn't already intimidating, then his murderous glare and deep frown on his face really put the cherry on top. Miyamura didn't want to be rude (or get beaten up), so he began to open his mouth to greet the scary man.

Caramel Sweetness [Miyamura x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now