So Stubborn

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Never in all her years of living has [Y/n] [L/n] been so pissed during school hours.

"Who did this to you?" Her question resembled more of a demand as her eyes bored into the side of Miyamura's red, swollen cheek. Menacingly, she stomped over from her location in the class to his desk like a soldier ready for war, hands balled in her fists. "I'll kill them."

Seeing her face, Miyamura paled and began to sweat. Not only was seeing her that angry early in the morning like a nightmare, but the way she felt like a ticking time bomb of explosives made him want to shit his pants. He knew for a fact that even if he let the color of his offender's hair slip, all hell was going to break loose. Especially since Miyamura knew the context of the situation, by his "Izumi intuition" the first thing to do would be to calm her down.

"[L/n], please don't kill anyone."

His words only caused [Y/n] to glare at his cheek harder. She didn't want to upset Miyamura so she crossed her arms and caved into his plea. She figured that acting aggressive, despite being extremely upset, wouldn't work in helping Miyamura. Meanwhile, Miyamura felt slightly calmer by her response even if her sudden silence quickly became unnerving.


"Fine then. Who was it?" She promised not to act violent, but that didn't mean she couldn't kill them with her stare. Satisfied with her vow to not kill anyone, Miyamura could rest easy and tell her who it was.

"...It was--"

Then, Hori and Yoshikawa, who seemed to just notice Miyamura and [Y/n]'s conversation, gasped when they saw the swollen area on Miyamura's cheek and cut off his response to her. In a flash, they both rushed over to Miyamura just as quickly as [Y/n] had done before asking him the same questions.

"What the?! What happened to your face, Miyamura?!" Hori shouted as her hands slammed against his desk, a worried look crossing her features. Yoshikawa nodded hurriedly by her side, just as eagerly wanting to know the answer. "Just who was it?!"

Although [Y/n] found it a little annoying how they came and cut Miyamura off (just as when she was getting an answer), she understood their worry. Instead of saying anything, she backed off and listened to Miyamura give his answer again.

"It was...Ishikawa."

Simultaneously, Hori, Yoshikawa, and [Y/n]'s jaws dropped. Hori's look of worry soon curved into one of anger and disappointment while Yoshikawa's became even more worried than before. [Y/n]'s face was neutral, but there was a burning pit of anger inside of her, hot enough to match a living hell.

Ishikawa? I knew he was a bit of a hothead, but why the fuck would he hit Miyamura? Aren't they friends? [Y/n] didn't have any other words but rather bitter feelings. I'll kill him.

"Um..." Miyamura bit the bottom of his lip, lifting his head to look at Hori, "Well, the truth is--"

"It's fine, you don't need to say anything. I know what kind of guy he is now." Hori turned away from him, with one hand in the air and one on her hip. [Y/n] watched her movements and couldn't agree more. If Ishikawa had a harsh beating by her and Hori now, he should have known it was coming to him.

As soon as other classmates began to greet Ishikawa in the morning, Hori and [Y/n] both turned to his direction, ready to attack. If their looks could kill, they might as well have nuked the entire school by this point. Much to their surprise, they were both met with the face of bruises and swollen cheeks, much more so than Miyamura.

Caramel Sweetness [Miyamura x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now