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Third person's POV

"The ocean of Pandora holds many dangers but the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much"

Tonowari, the Olo'eyktan of the Metkayina clan was walking through the village on his way home with a sleeping human baby girl who was able to breathe Pandora's air without a mask on her face in his arms as he was being greeted by the villagers of the Metkayina clan. Once he arrived back at his home, Ronal was cooking dinner while their only child, Aonung was playing with some of his toys as the one year old Na'vi baby looked over at his father with a happy laughter before Tonowari smiled down at his son and he sat down next to his wife before Ronal fondly stares at her husband with their newest baby as the human baby opened her dark brown eyes and she asked her husband "Why are you holding a human baby?" "I saved her life and she doesn't have any other family, Ronal" Tonowari said to her before Ronal stares down at the human baby girl and she looked up at her husband as she asked him "What's her name?" "Siobhan" "Very well, she can stay here with us and we will adopt her" Tonowari then smiled at his wife before he stood up and he brought Siobhan over to Aonung before he said to Aonung "This is Siobhan, she's your little sister now, you have to be nice to her" Tonowari then walked off to go and cut some fish for dinner while Aonung stared at his little sister for just a few moments but the Na'vi baby just passed some toys over to Siobhan resulting in the human baby giggling at her older brother and the pair played together.

Time skip....

All of the Metkayina people were standing in the water around the Spirit Tree with their queues attached to the tree treads as everything was lit up around them to show Eywa's presence while Tonowari and Ronal were standing directly in front of the Spirit Tree as Ronal was holding Aonung in her arms before she attaches his queue to the glowing tread in front of them. Aonung's eyes then opened wider at the connection to Eywa and he looked at his parents with a gummy smile before Ronal disconnects his queue and the Na'vi baby swims up towards the surface of the ocean before Siobhan reaches out towards the glowing tree tread in front of herself with one of her hands while Tonowari and Ronal watched the human baby girl as she placed her hand out on the glowing tree tread and Siobhan looked back at her parents as her eyes grew wider at the connection to Eywa and her chubby cheeks turned into a gummy smile with a soft glow that illuminated around her face as Tonowari holds Siobhan up before he lets go of her and Siobhan swims up towards the surface of the ocean before she releases a breathe as she looked over at her older brother before Tonowari and Ronal joined their children and they smiled at their children for their first communion with Eywa.

Time skip....

Tonowari was holding 3 year old Siobhan in his arms as he makes some skimwing noises while he was flying her around just like a skimwing causing for the human girl to release some happy giggles while 4 year old Aonung was on his father's shoulders and he was giggling at the sight of seeing her like this. Ronal was kneeling on the ground and she was watching her children and her husband with a smile on her face as she keeps an eye on 1 year old Tsireya before Siobhan looks over at her younger sister and she waves at her in greeting while Tsireya released a happy giggle at her older sister before their parents chuckled at the interaction between their two daughters.

Time skip....

The royal family were on the beach near the ocean as Aonung and Tsireya ran away while they were squealing as their father tries to splash some water on them from the water that they were playing in together. Siobhan was collecting some seashells from the wet sand as the ocean's waves came onto shore while some woodsprites from the rainforest of Pandora had landed on top of her head and floating around her long dark brown hair but she didn't notice them since she was too distracted by picking up the pretty seashells from the sand. Ronal didn't see the sight as they disappeared when she walked over to her oldest daughter and Siobhan turned around to her mother while she held out the pretty seashells to her mother with a giggle resulting in Ronal kneeling down in front of her oldest daughter as the pair decided on the seashells that they were going to take home with them.

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