chapter seven

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"Harry don't go that fast. It wouldn't help because he needs me." Draco said. Harry chuckled and stopped walking for a moment. "I'm just excited." Harry said and he walked together with Draco towards the door. when the door opened it showed the same man as the last time they did go. "Draco and Harry? was it?" the man asked. the boys nodded and they entered. "how are things going?" he asked. "except for throwing everything up I eat very good." Draco said. the man nodded and walked around his rooms. Harry sat on a chair and didn't pay attention to any of the questions. "Harry look." Draco said and pointed at a screen it showed to little dots and some kind on heartbeat. "that's very well." The man said. Harry smiled. "do you want them home?" he asked. "yes, but only 5 this time." Harry said. "four." Draco said. "five." Harry said. the man chuckled. "why four?" Harry asked. "my parents didn't react on the owl yet." Draco answered. "they were the ones who came with this first." Harry said. "I hate it when you are persuasive and right." Draco said and nodded at the man. "was it on purpose?" the man asked. "no." Harry said and walked over to Draco. "he would never want to lose his 'perfect' body for children and absolutely not with me. I'm in his words. An annoying git who drools over him." Harry said. "okay, I think I feel some tension. I'll let you go home and happy Christmas I'll send an owl when we have another appointment." The doctor said. they nodded and left. "I never said that." Draco said. "yes you did." Harry said.

Harry sat on the couch when Draco lied his head on his shoulder. "do I have to leave tomorrow?" he asked; "why should you?" Harry asked. "because it's Christmas a family thing." Draco said. "no, besides since you are carrying family of mine you are family too." Harry said. Draco smiled. "and I already got you something." Harry said. "I don't have anything for you." Draco said. "I don't care." Harry said. "I'm so sorry I'll get you something now." Draco said. "don't you dare. I don't want or need anything. I have a good life and I have everything I need." Harry said. "no I'm going to get you something." Draco said and he stood up and walked away. Harry rolled his eyes and the others entered. "where did Draco go?" Remus asked. "he asked me if he had to leave tomorrow. I said no, because I have something for him and now he feels guilty and is going to get something for me." Harry answered and flipped the page of his book. "I have to tell you something." Sirius said. "actually we have." Remus said. "is there finally a date for the wedding?" Regulus asked. "no, but we have something else that is very big." Sirius said. "we're going to adopt a child." Remus said. "no way, that's fantastic!" Regulus said. "we are working on this since Harry started at hogwarts actually which means we can get him tomorrow." Remus said. "that's really fast." Harry said. "yes, sorry we didn't tell it." Sirius said. "that doesn't matter we're happy for you. how old is he?" James asked. "he is 10 and is going to start at hogwarts next year, he's an orphan and his name is Tom." Sirius said. "that's wonderful." Regulus said. Harry looked at Remus. "Harry how did the ultrasound go?" Remus asked. "they heard heartbeats and according to the doctor they look healthy." Harry said. "can we see?" Sirius asked. Harry showed the ultrasound. "look how cute they are." Regulus said. Harry saw a smile on everyone's face. "I'm going to shower." Harry said and he walked upstairs.

"we have to bring them together." James said. "we can't force it." Remus said. "Draco is deeply in love with Harry, he just doesn't see." Regulus said. "that's true besides. It doesn't hurt anyone and it is even better for their children." Sirius said. "okay, what are we going to do?" James asked. "the mistletoe. Always works." Sirius said. "it's not because we got together because of that, that they are going to be the same." Remus said. "mistletoe is a good idea. Any others?" Regulus asked. "no." Remus admitted. "that's clear. I'll be right back. Does anyone else need something?" Sirius asked. "yes, I'll come with you." James said and they left. Draco entered a while after Sirius and James left. "hello." He said. "hey son, how are you?" Regulus asked. he burst into tears. "what's wrong?" Remus asked. "I don't know it's just the hormones." Draco said. "okay, it's fine. What did you get for Harry?" Remus asked. "I got him a mobile for the cribs." Draco said. "that's cute." Regulus said. Draco was still sobbing when Harry came downstairs. "I'm sorry it took this long." Harry said. "it's fine." Remus said, Harry sat next to Draco. "what's wrong?" he asked. "why am I crying? I never cry." Draco said. "it's fine. We won't judge you." Harry said. "I got you something but I don't think you're going to like it." Draco said. "you know, I will like. Even though it would be a girlfriend. I just like everything you get me." Harry said. Draco nodded and buried his head in Harry his chest. "he is deeply in love with Harry." Remus whispered in Regulus his ear. "told you." Regulus said. Harry looked up. "what?" Harry asked. "nothing." Remus and regulus said in unison Harry played with his hands in Draco his hair. "stop that." Draco whined. Harry stopped. "go on." Draco said. Harry chuckled. "what do you want for dinner?" Harry asked. "nothing." Draco said. "so you aren't hungry?" Harry asked. "I'm so hungry." Draco said. "you have to know what you want Draco." Harry said. "I want that one muggle thing, I heard Granger once talk about. MCgonnalds or something?" Draco asked. "McDonald's?" Harry asked. "yes, that." Draco said. "okay. If they find it okay." Harry said. "of course we do." Remus said. Harry chuckled. "what are the other doing?" Harry asked. "getting something for Christmas." Regulus said and chuckled. 

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